Wierd issues
October 11, 2021 11:17AM
So I am very new to 3d printers and like the idiot I am i purchased a used one to start with. I have a Tronxy X5SA 330x330x400 with the CXY-V6-191017 motherboard running Marlin 2.0.
Issues I have are:
1. machine only recognizes 1/4 of the printing bed. I have checked the firmware config and it is set at 330x330x400 so I am not sure why this problem is occurring.
2. while printing, in the small area it allows me too, the z axis does not seem to function properly. I start out at -5.5 and within 30 min I am back to 0 and have to end the print because it is failing. The nozzle gets completely embedding into the project at times almost as if the z axis isn't dropping quick enough. I have no clue what this could be.
Any help is appreciated or if anyone has working firmware for this machine they would share with me that would be awesome as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2021 11:17AM by AsarianOG.
Re: Wierd issues
October 12, 2021 12:06AM
These configs should be good
Re: Wierd issues
October 12, 2021 10:29AM
Unfortunately they are not good. That is what i am currently using
Re: Wierd issues
October 15, 2021 10:17AM
might help if you post your config.h that you are using atm
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