I've been trying to add a Geeetech 3D Touch to my Tevo Tornado.
I flashed the printer with bugfix-2.0.x and everything went unresponsive, meaning I am no longer able to control the printer via the control box. Instructions regarding the tornado mostly cover MKS GEN-L, but not MKS SGEN-L and there isn't an example for it in the firmware. My current configuration is using #define CONFIG_EXAMPLES_DIR "Tevo/Tornado/V2 (MKS GEN-L)" and #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_MKS_SGEN_L. (contradictory?)
Here's my current firmware:
Configuration.h &
I'm a complete newbie in configuring the firmware and have no idea how to proceed or what the true reason for my issue is.
My guess is that there some essential settings with the MKS GEN-L that are just wrong for the printer with an MKS SGEN-L board.
How would I go about fixing this issue?