Permissive Licenced Firmware???
March 04, 2016 08:54AM
Do anyone knows a Permissive Licenced Firmware for 3d printers?
Re: Permissive Licenced Firmware???
March 04, 2016 12:19PM
My APrinter firmware is licenced under the BSD 2-clause licence, except some 3rd party libraries (e.g. the used libraries from chip manufacturers like ASF and STM32F4Cube, and lwIP (3-clause) if you use networking).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2016 12:21PM by ambrop7.
Re: Permissive Licenced Firmware???
March 07, 2016 06:26AM
Thanks! I found GRBL but it needed many modifications to work on a 3d printer. I'm going to use a STM32(more Pins) or ATmega328P(Cheaper) in a low cost (less than 500$/€) fully assembled 3d printer. This printer will be very similar in specs with prusa i3, about the same printing volume, a little bit faster (I hope), one extruder(E3d or custom made), way smaller, heated bed with acrylic panel(glass sucks), et cetera.
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