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Gepetto wooden Mendel build

Posted by Dirty Steve 
Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 02, 2012 04:55PM
Here are a couple of pics for my wood based Mendel I have named Gepetto, with Z axis extended base pieces. Ready for electronics and hot bits. Going to go with a 4-axis TB6560 controller and Mach3 (already researched mods to opto isolators) and a variation of a Wildseyed simple hot end.

Once I get it up and going the first mods are going to be belt guide Idler pulleys for the X and Y belts, already see heavy drag when the belts rub the fender washers, and the belt tracking is horrible with the width between the fender washers.

I am also working on a geared stepper compact extruder that I am putting together using the planetary reduction gear from a dead electric screwdriver, or I'll print up a Compact Planetary Gearbox from Thingiverse.

Are there any issues keeping the two Z-axis steppers in sync, with the TB6560 or other controllers? Have searched but haven't found it as a major issue.

Can post more pics if anyone wants to see details.

First post here, first printer build.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2012 05:01PM by Dirty Steve.
open | download - Gepetto1.jpg (195.7 KB)
open | download - Gepetto2.jpg (196.2 KB)
Re: Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 03, 2012 12:21AM
Dirty Steve Wrote:
> Are there any issues keeping the two Z-axis
> steppers in sync, with the TB6560 or other
> controllers? Have searched but haven't found it as
> a major issue.

Wired in series, and with sufficient current, they rarely seem to get out of sync. You can and still should check your alignments and setups periodically, and definitely before a major printing session.

Very nice looking machine, and a clever name. What kind of wood? Are you worried about heat causing any cracking or warping?
Re: Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 03, 2012 01:00AM
Made with oak. Will insulate the underside of the X carriage with thin automotive heat shielding. Motors are spaced off the wood with rubber isolation washers.
Re: Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 03, 2012 02:37AM
@Dirty Steve: Looks great!

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
BLOG - PHOTOS - Thingiverse
Re: Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 03, 2012 11:58PM
For the belt drag issue: just put two bearings side by side. You won't need fender washers and the belts will stay centered, because the bearings will keep each other perfectly perpendicular.. I have build several machines this way, it works much better than using bearing guides.

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Re: Gepetto wooden Mendel build
August 28, 2012 01:41PM
Up and running!!!! (for the most part.....)

Here is a pic of one of my first successful full gcode program run, with pen attachment.

Dialing in and calibrating, just waiting for hot end temperature controller to arrive. Going with a 120v hot end with a cartridge heater.

How do you get pics to display in the body of a post? I've seen images displayed this way on a few posts.

Motors are HOT! Pushing close to 130C. Is this within range or too hot? Haven't searched forum, have heat sinks for motors ordered.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2012 03:01PM by Dirty Steve.
open | download - plotting.jpg (406.2 KB)
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