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PrintrBoard Rev E Question

Posted by MeGaPk 
PrintrBoard Rev E Question
November 02, 2012 02:33PM
Hello! We have PrintrBoard Rev.E and frimware Marlin (We using in PrintrBoard Rev D.), and have problem:

When we pluging in any of motors (Nema 17, 17HS4417) to extruder ( on the X and Y axes they work properly) and try to start extruding, motor starts to make noise and after he finished working ( approximately after 10 sec.) inside of the motor appear pulsating sounds.

Maybe Need change settings in Extruder? If needed, so what?
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
November 02, 2012 04:07PM
Is it only one motor making this noise? it may be wired incorrectly. Try it without filament and check that they are correct. Swapping the middle two wires often makes it work if this is the case.
Might also be insufficient power available to drive the extruder, ie power supply too small or you may need to crank up the current to the extruder output.


Richmond, New Zealand
Thingiverse ~ YouTube
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
November 02, 2012 05:06PM
No, Motor its work, i connect this motor to X or Y and worked Nice!

I connect my old PSU from old printrboard to New PrintrBoard, i don`t think what problem power.

Wires? Hm.... I I connected so:
1) Blue
2) Red
3) Green
4) Black
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
November 04, 2012 04:26AM
It sounds like your extruder motor is getting enough current for the driver to overheat. Then the temperature limit is reached on the driver electronics and current is cut for a moment, till temperature drops and cycle is repeated.

You can try to solve the issue by turning counter clockwise the adjustable potentiometer for the E axis on the board so current is reduced.
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
November 04, 2012 06:05AM
Put up a close-up photo of your controller, it will help.


Richmond, New Zealand
Thingiverse ~ YouTube
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
December 05, 2012 04:22AM
I have the same Problem with the Y-Axis. If I change the wires of the Motors from x to y. The X Axis Motor will have this Problem.

I try Frimware change from Marlin to Repetier. but nothing help.

The Motors are cold...
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
December 05, 2012 04:45AM
Must be on the pcb then - try wiggling the 4-pin header that doesn't work and see if it comes and goes. It could be a dry joint or poor solder joint on either the header or a component on that output.


Richmond, New Zealand
Thingiverse ~ YouTube
Re: PrintrBoard Rev E Question
December 15, 2012 04:37AM
I've solved this Problem!

Turn the potentiometer on the Board a little bit for the motor, who make the noise after seconds.

this will solve the problem.

Greets Strov
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