Z Axis Lead Screw Springs
November 09, 2012 01:44PM

I'm looking for some springs for my Z axis lead screws.

I found these but the postage for me (To the UK) was way too much compared to the cost of the springs:

Would these be an acceptable alternative ?

The wire is about twice the diameter but I'm not sure if that is acceptable or not - I can't find the intended size anywhere.

Re: Z Axis Lead Screw Springs
November 09, 2012 03:04PM
I think those would be borderline ok, they'd probably fit in the m8 channel they need to. However, I don't use springs, and a lot of other people don't - provided you have low friction bearings on the z smooth rods gravity fights the backlash for you anyway. There's also the advantage that if the head crashes into the bed, it'll just pop off the m8 nuts, and not get powerfully driven into the bed.
Re: Z Axis Lead Screw Springs
November 09, 2012 05:06PM
Currently my hot-end isn't working and I'm waiting on some parts so I can't test how my machine will work when printing. I do have smooth rods and good ball bearings so I might be okay.

If these springs would be okay for the usage as you say I may order them and then when I get my hot-end sorted out I can try the machine as is and if it needs the springs I'd have them to hand.

Head crashes shouldn't be an issue as the bed has springs and the Z axis motors are only just powerful enough to overcome the friction of the leadscrews so they would just stall.

Thanks for your help.
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