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prusa i2 bed

Posted by kenshinjeff 
prusa i2 bed
March 12, 2013 03:34AM
Hi guys, I got my printed parts and electronics from online.

I realise that I need a print bed to support the heated bed, linear bearing and belt clamps and I have found the pdf for drilling the holes.

1. Are there any cad drawings available online I can download and pass to a cutting guy to do it for me?
2. What kind of material and thickness should this be?
3. Since the holes have to be aligned properly how does one ensure that they are 100% accurate? Do I have to get a cnc guy to do it for me?

I think there's also some other cnc-able parts (metal? wood?) like the mounting for the electronics to the front of the prusa, and maybe mounting the power supply somewhere, what is that called and where can I find the cad for those?
Re: prusa i2 bed
March 12, 2013 08:50AM
Hello, I designed this: [www.thingiverse.com] a few weeks ago. It should be compatible with all standard laser cutters. The thickness depends on material, for stainless steel 2-3 mm is enough. For aluminium I would use ~ 3-5 mm.

The holes are aligned properly in the DXF and SolidWorks part files, the CNC guy should take care of everything. If the holes are misaligned, don't pay the bill smiling smiley
Re: prusa i2 bed
March 12, 2013 09:45AM
Extremely cool, thanks!
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