I don't know how to tell if my rambo board is any good or not. I don't seem to get any motion from the moters, or heat from the extruder or bed. No LEDs light except those associated with the processor. Unfortunately, I am new to this and don't really know what the next step is. Can anyone PLEASE help?
Things I think I have done successfully....
- modified the configuration.h module for the right thermistors and motherboard (301)
- compiled and uploaded the merlin firmware
- loaded pronterface and slic3r on my computer.
In pronterface, I am able to connect to the printer and I can see a small activity light blink on the rambo board when I try and move the head, but nothing happens beyond that. I am getting no heat to either the extruder or the bed.
I am using a 12v p/s that has three seperate 12v outputs and grounds. I do seem to be getting 12v in. to the m/b, but nothing out to the heat1 or bed.