Cura, parts created from SketchUp and MAX TEMP ERRORS
March 06, 2014 09:39AM
So I downloaded Cura 14.1 last night to try out. I went ahead and loaded up a STL file of a part I created in SketchUp and sent it to Cura for GCode. When I go to start printing; after homing everything the printer errors out on MAX TEMP. Now I tried the simple way to create Gcode and the expert way with the same end result. Anyone have issues like this? Is this happening because of the part I created in SketchUp
Re: Cura, parts created from SketchUp and MAX TEMP ERRORS
March 06, 2014 09:38PM
This has nothing to do with SketchUp or the STL. Are you getting a room temperature reading from your hot end before you start printing? Is Cura trying to set a hot end temperature in excess of the max temperature you have set in firmware?

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Re: Cura, parts created from SketchUp and MAX TEMP ERRORS
March 06, 2014 11:37PM
Max temp in my firmware is set to 275 for the extruder and 130 for the bed. Cura is asking for 230 from the extruder and 70 from the bed
Re: Cura, parts created from SketchUp and MAX TEMP ERRORS
March 07, 2014 01:53PM
Were you getting MAX TEMP errors with other prints before you tried Cura? Is your temperature reading reasonable when the hot end is cooled down (close to room temp)?

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