Hi everyone. I just ordered the Prusa i3XL from DIYTECHSHOP but never received an assembly manual (could not find one on their website either). I have found various Prusa i3X assembly manuals online, but nothing specific to the i3XL. There are some notable differences between the models based on what I've seen in the i3X manuals and the parts that I actually received.
Does anybody who ordered the i3XL have a copy of the PDF they could attach here?
Other than that, the frame has gone up pretty quickly. A few differences I have noted and cannot understand:
1. The kit came with 3 y-bushings, but the plate has holes for 4 (vs. 3 in the i3X). I'm inclined to think they forgot to give me one, but their packing slip specifically only says they shipped 3.
2. I can't figure out how to mount the endstops to the endstop mounts. There are no thru-holes for screws or anything.
I'm sure I'll have a bunch of issues as I pop in and out of here. I've attached images of the plate and endstop/mounts to this. Thanks in advance for the help!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2014 02:12PM by r3try.