Opinions on Upgrades
May 18, 2016 09:33PM
A couple months ago I got a Prusa i3 Plus and am having a blast with it. I was wanting to know what upgrades I should look into first? I was thinking about a dual nozzle extruder but didn't know if that was possible with the RAMBO mini board or not, and if it was what is a good one to look at? Where do you guys go to get your parts when you are looking to upgrade/repair your printer? Also does anyone know if there are any .stl files out there anywhere that would allow me to print an extra set of all the plastic pieces? Last but not least my printer has slowly gotten louder and I am not sure why. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this community spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 19, 2016 02:34PM
Ref noise. Get some Sorbothane sheet - most HIFi dealers sell it. Cut into squares and put one under each leg - you'll be amazed at how much quieter it is.
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 19, 2016 05:29PM
Thank you deckingman! It is greatly appreciate thumbs up
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 21, 2016 11:30AM
To quieten a machine down -
1. An enclosure
2. A block of styrofoam to sit it on.
3. DRV8825 steppers.

If it has slowly become louder then I would suspect that something is getting progressively looser or is suffering from lack of lubrication.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2016 11:31AM by Ralph.Hilton.
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 22, 2016 02:45AM
Thank you Ralph
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 26, 2016 07:14AM
I just printed some pointy cones in PLA and have them sit on little discs, same principle like used on high end speaker boxes of proper size.
Not olny kills it vibrations but also the transfered noise which otherwise would go directly onto the surface of whatever the printer stands on.
But IMHO the best solution is to prevent unwanted vibrations right at the source.
Adding simple cork pads between motor and mounts makes a difference like day and night winking smiley
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
May 28, 2016 01:54AM
Thanks guys!!!
Re: Opinions on Upgrades
June 26, 2016 05:30PM
Another possibility for dual extrusion is to use Duet 0.8.5 or Duet WiFi electronics. Both have 5 stepper motor drivers on board. The Duet WiFi also provides TMC2660 drivers capable of up to 256x microstepping, which make the printer much quieter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2016 05:32PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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