I got a Prusa i3 with Marlin 1.0.2+, updated recently and add an auto bed leveling.
Everything worked fine but now the endstop Y is not taken in consideration when the motor Y try to find the home spot.
My endstop is in front of the print, so the direction is POSITIVE ( tried negative as well but the bed moves the other direction )
What I did:
I checked if the cable works of the end stop
I checked the actual working of the signal
I used the command M119 to check if it works
I double check if I have inverted any of the values on my config but since I didnt touch it, I find it a bit odd
All the above came out correct, all working, Marlin sees the triggering of the endstop but the motor keeps rotating when the endstop is triggered.
I tried to move by 10 and it moved correctly, I found that the Y goes even negative instead of staying between 0 and 180 values.
I am basically with no idea what went wrong, even because it worked fine and suddenly it stopped working.
Any idea?