hello everyone!
I'm currently using a mendel bot that's been built by a student about a year ago. The mendel has never fully functioned as has sadly never printed a complete part other then the tiny cup (slash thimble) with a horrible resolution.
There are several problems that i detect for which i'm seeking advice.
some technical specs:
GEN3 makerbot electronics
Stepper motor extruder
Stepper motor directly mounted on the extruder controller via the Hbridges
First off,
the electronics that the mendel is using are the GEN3 ones from makerbot. I currently flashed the eeproms with the FiveD that's on this website. With this firmware i'm unable to succesfuly print. My questions concerning the firmware - which firmware should i best use?
i looked at this section of the wiki: [
reprap.org] and choose to use the FiveD on Arduino.
but i have to be honest and admit that i'm too stupid to figure out how to use it.
i'm unsure what exactly that i need to flash using the FiveD_on_arduino. Is it the motherboard firmware or is it the extruder firmware. I read through the various files (makefile, config.h) and i was more confused then revelated

so to sum up the above: what advice would other users give me when choosing a firmware and perhaps some short directions on how to do what?
I have previously flashed the chipsets with the makerbot firmwares, but that did not work at all.
i was able to move the X, Y en Z axis, but when it came to extrusion it was all over the place.
The stepper motor had a death rattle no matter what PWM i set in ReplicatorG.
The nema17 stepper motors that drive the axises tend to get really hot. Specificaly the X and Y motors tend to heat up so much you can burn yourself on them. I'm told that stepper motors do get hot, but these get REALLY hot.
I'm seeing on the stepper driver controller that X and Y also have the red light burning all the time. When i compare this to a makerbot - that one only has the red led burning when it is actualy in motion. The stepper motors (X and Y, when you touch them) feel like they are continously going on and off. It's a sort of clicking sound they make, however the axis isn't moving. Is this abnormal behaviour? does anyone have any experience related to this problem?
when i was working with the makerbot firmware on the electronics this problem didn't occur.
I'm sorry for the abundance of question, and perhaps ramblings that i consider to be questions

but i have been reading allot on blogs and forums - also trying allot of things, but my knowledge and understanding only reaches so far. I'm at the point where i have to call in a friend for help
much appreciate any help anyone can provide!
thank you