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Tribotron - My first custom printer.

Posted by nuverian 
Tribotron - My first custom printer.
July 29, 2018 05:07PM
Hello everyone,

I am new here and just wanted to share with you my first custom made 3D printer codename Tribotron!

Here is a video of it in action:

It is available on thingiverse as well, alongside with source parts, materials list and (simple) build instructions if you are interested:

If you have any questions or criticism, I would love to hear.

Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
July 30, 2018 12:27AM
I like the Z-axis, although it's a bit more complex than 'mine'.
Where did you find these extra long belts? I had to make some compromise regarding 'belt-wrap' and the front two ballscrews are not on the edge of the printbed.
open | download - ballscrews_x3.jpg (234.7 KB)
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
July 30, 2018 04:37PM

Yeah very similar indeed.
I initially thought of doing a triangle like yours but opted for this design so that it leaves space in within the frame for PSU and board. Something I ended up not doing in the end, so LOL tongue sticking out smiley
The only other real difference I can think is that you can change the ratio by only changing the motor driven leadscrew pulley, instead of all 3 leadscrew to something like a 60T like in your build, but yeah it is indeed a bit more complicated. I am not sure if for better or worse yet though.
It is a 1524mm belt. Here is a link to aliexpress product page.
I hope it helps! smiling smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2018 04:43PM by nuverian.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 04, 2018 03:42AM
That's a real sleek looking machine, love the stealth black look.

Try posting this on the corexy subforum, you might get more comments and feedback as it's a bit more active.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 05, 2018 08:46PM
Thank you.

Yeah, I should have posted in the CoreXY subforum, but now, I wouldn't want to make double post and I don't see any way of moving the post :-/

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2018 08:47PM by nuverian.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 05, 2018 11:47PM
Don't worry, no ones gonna get pissy about you posting to the coreXY forum. Simple mistake of chosing the wrong subforum, everyone does it.
Also, on second glance, is that an H-bot? The belts don't seem to cross anywhere. Either way, cool machine. What electronics is it running? I haven't heard of trigorrila which was listed in the thingiverse description.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 06, 2018 03:26PM
I might as well do that then smiling smiley

Yes, it is an HBot indeed. Can easily be turned into a (crossing-belt) CoreXY though, which I have actually tried but didn't see any real benefit -at least in this machine- even though I do understand the theoretical advantages.
While when forcefully moved by hand there is a bit of a gantry twist, when actually printing there is none or negligible. In other words, it prints fine smiling smiley
Trigorilla board is made by Anycubic, probably the only Chinese printer company that I trust. It's 8-bit though but I might upgrade to a Duet in the future.
Other than that, electronics are 12v, MK3 heat bed and now using TMC2208 drivers.

Thanks again smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2018 03:27PM by nuverian.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 08, 2018 10:22PM
Very nice. Good to see more people going the H-BOT way.
Re: Tribotron - My first custom printer.
August 26, 2018 07:03AM
Hey, Thank you. I am glad you like it !
I also think that HBOT still has it's place winking smiley
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