Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 08, 2016 03:09AM
Hi Guys,
I'm working on a powder bed printer, now I'm looking for a suitable printhead. I like the "HP C6602" not because it can not be supplied via a CISS with ink. Thus, I am dependent on the HP ink that does not meet my requirements. I would also like to process materials other than gypsum.
I have seen the slaughter of ZPrinters that are running a HP11 printhead. Has anyone any idea how driving these printheads?
Many thanks for your help
Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 08, 2016 10:04AM
Hi Philipp,

look here - []

I have the book from Matt Gilliland, but the drivers are meant for the HP 51604A inkjet cartridge ...

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Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 09, 2016 03:41AM
Thank you for the tip. I know the system. The disadvantage in the printing head is that which is intended for cash registers or labels printer. It has only a small internal ink reservoir. But for a 3D printer I need a large external ink supply.
So I'm driving on the lookout for a way to use a printhead simlar the HP1.
Many thanks for your help
Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 09, 2016 04:08AM
Hi Philipp,

I've seen several ink-jet printers with 'hacked' printheads, where they simply drilled a hole into the ink tank and inserted a thin capillary to feed the ink from a big reservoir above the printer.

This were then mostly Brother-printheads with separate ink-tanks, but shouldn't be a problem to modify HP printheads accordingly ...

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Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 10, 2016 08:38AM
I have found an HP45 Head driver:
But I donot need 3000 Pieces, I need only 3-10.
Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 11, 2016 10:31AM
I've actually started to look into EPSON printheads - they are better adapted for continuous ink supply.

The EPSON TM-C610 label printer seems to be ideal for a 'nano' powder bed printer, and their TM-C600 'cousin' is easily available in the US.
Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 14, 2016 08:22AM
Hi Guys,

I am pleased with the active participation.
I've read an awful lot, but unfortunately I still see little possibilities to drive a print head properly. I have now understood that HP calls the driver "Pen Driver". This pen driver is controlled via a serial interface. In order to drive a printhead correctly you should now know how the serial port is built and how the protocol of the interface is designed.
Does anyone know where I can find this information?

Re: Printhead for Powder bed printer
March 16, 2016 08:27PM
A 'pen driver' is different for each head, and HP (and Canon, and EPSON) don't release the signal information needed to drive them.

However, the HP C6602A was an exception, since it is used in a wide variety of non-HP devices.

It's only 96dpi, but sufficient for powder printing.


Nicholas C Lewis's InkShield

and a full powderbed printer based off of it:

YTec 3D's Plan B
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