What do M-Codes M110 and M111 signify?
February 03, 2010 07:59PM
What do the codes M110 and M111 signify? I see them in skeinforge-generated gcode.

They're not listed on the wiki MCode reference.

Wooden Mendel
Teacup Firmware
Re: What do M-Codes M110 and M111 signify?
February 04, 2010 12:55PM
It sets the temperature for the "Chamber" or heated bed.

This conflicts with current FiveD firmware use of M110 to tell the Extruder Controller to use the TrimPot for the current/PWM adjustment to the stepper motor.
Re: What do M-Codes M110 and M111 signify?
February 04, 2010 06:22PM
oh great.. well I need neither of those codes at the moment- perhaps we can start entering them into the wiki and have some sort of standardisation so these conflicts can be sorted out? There's at least 150 M-codes for miscellaneous machine-specific stuff, no need to argue over them smiling smiley

Wooden Mendel
Teacup Firmware
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