On most of my prints recently, I've been seeing these fine "stragglers" as I like to call them--essentially they're small strings that are printed alongside the actual print. These can happen anywhere in the print (near beginning or end) on any feature (attached pic is on round objects, but I've had these before on flat walls as well). I would think this is a Skeinforge issue, however I don't see these defects show up in the 'review' session after Skeinforge has sliced a file. For reference, I'm using a Mendel90 and printing at .1mm resolution).
I haven't caught one of these being printed in action, but they appear as if they're made one small dab at a time per layer (you can see in the image that they're made in layers just like the rest of the print). They've always been a very fine strand, so easy to cut off, but still annoying.
Anyone have a similar issue and know a fix for it?