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Width over thickness for the perimeter

Posted by joachims 
Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 05:59AM

I need to edit my Gcode, so that the perimeter has a width of 0.5 mm and the fill has a width of 3 mm. Is it possible to have different width over thickness in a layer?
As you can see in the picture. I already edited the width for the fill, so now I just need the perimeter.

open | download - layerview.jpg (123.6 KB)
Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 07:26AM
You can set the "Perimeter Width over Thickness" in Carve.

Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 09:57AM
but if you have a look at the picture, it seems like the width is the same as the width for the fill.
And it's 1.8 for the perimeter and 9 for the fill.
Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 12:30PM

The picture shows the infill closer to the perimeter than the perimeter is to itself so it looks to me like your "infill Width Over Thickness" is smaller.

I always use 1.5 for both.

Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 03:08PM
yes 9, its for a setup with 2 extruders. One with a nozzle diameter of 0,5 mm and another with 3 mm. The small nozzle shall print the diameter, and the wide one shall print the fill. I just need a Gcode, where I manually can insert the change in nozzle...
Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 20, 2010 04:29PM
Skeinforge doesn't seem to work for values bigger than 2 for me. At 3 it crashes and at 9 the only infill is inside the 8mm holes.

I can't see how 3mm wide infill will work anyway. You will get a big gap in the corners.

Re: Width over thickness for the perimeter
November 22, 2010 06:22AM

I don't think Skeinforge can handle 2 extruders. Your best bet might be to ask Enrique.


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