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Stretch not making holes bigger

Posted by jmgiacalone 
Stretch not making holes bigger
January 29, 2011 07:10AM
Has anyone else managed to get the Stretch feature to work in sf 39? No matter what settings I try, the Stretch function just seems to alter the start and end points of a circle, but have virtually no effect on the size of the circle (less than 0.01mm difference in the output GCode).

The external size of my prints is quite accurate, I just want my holes to be bigger. My test piece which should have an 8mm hole in the middle is coming out at 7.2mm diameter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Re: Stretch not making holes bigger
January 31, 2011 03:22AM
My holes got somewhat bigger in the latest skeinforge using stretch. But I have put "Perimeter Inside Stretch Over Perimeter Width" to 6 and "Perimeter Outside Stretch Over Perimeter Width" to 2

PLA, ABS, PETG multiple colors (3 and 1.75 mm) €16,49 / kg
Megatronics 3.0 €79.99 / Minitronics €37,19
Re: Stretch not making holes bigger
January 31, 2011 03:49AM
thanks brupje, however those settings make no difference on my setup. how much bigger were your holes after setting those values?



Re: Stretch not making holes bigger
January 31, 2011 04:59PM
Did you update from an older version? I ran into a similar problem where I would disable "tower" and skeinforge kept using it. At the suggestion of another forum member, I backed up my settings and removed all the old stuff under "\.skeinforge". After that, I was able to disable "tower". Maybe your new stretch settings are not having an effect for the same reason?
Re: Stretch not making holes bigger
February 01, 2011 01:50AM
About 2 mm in diameter or so

PLA, ABS, PETG multiple colors (3 and 1.75 mm) €16,49 / kg
Megatronics 3.0 €79.99 / Minitronics €37,19
Re: Stretch not making holes bigger
February 01, 2011 04:32AM
Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for you advice. Deleting the old settings did the trick along with entering large values.

Just need to print now and check I've stretched enough.



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