Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 03, 2011 05:51AM
I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely dim as regard computing - it took me 2 days to build a Wade extruder and 7 months to get where I am now - THE BRICK WALL!!

I do not understand how to programme the firmware into the extruder board as there are no straightforward do this , then that, then this instructions it seems that all the programmes need tweaking to my preferences =- which generally are to get the bl**!dy thing to work.

I have built a 3 axis cnc machine run on Mach 3.

I have loaded Umbuto onto my computer and have emc running in Linux using Axis. I have loaded Skeinforge, I have read about 1000 articles but everything end up as a load here add this line etc and is effectively programming.
Does any one have a step by step guide to adding a Wades Extruder to a Mach 3 run cnc. I ran a skeinforge programme through the router that ran the hesd ok including the Z up movement but no reaction from the extruder which id being run from usb port using usb/ttl cable

Thee mach 3 does more that ems has so i am looking to keep m,ack 3 and add the extruder and generate G code through Skeinforge

So, any help gratefully received otherwise you will find a Wadwe extruder on ebay and a suicidal reprap member in Aberdeen!!!
Re: Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 03, 2011 06:29AM
Does any one have a step by step guide to adding a Wades Extruder to a Mach 3 run cnc.
Unlikely. I think you're lead developer there. I suspect this is unwelcome news.

Actually, re-reading your post more carefully. ... hmmm ...

Trying to use Mach3 or emc2 is tricky with your usb-using reprap boards. Mach3 and emc2 are really good at talking to electronics over parallel port. USB-use is still experimental with emc2 and mach3.

I suggest you use resnapper, reprap-host, replicator-g, etc.

You may want to skim this:

And then just use resnapper or similar.grinning smiley

-Sebastien, RepRap.org library gnome.

Remember, you're all RepRap developers (once you've joined the super-secret developer mailing list), and the wiki, RepRap.org, [reprap.org] is for everyone and everything! grinning smiley
Re: Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 04, 2011 12:29PM

Don't give up hope. I have this working.
Are you driving the extruder with a stepper motor?
I hope so because that is the only way I have been able to get Mach & EMC to work.

Which extruder electronics are you using?

The first thing to do is to get them working for controlling the heater. I would only use them for the heater. You can use the standard release firmware and only connect the heater and thermistor connections. Ignore all stepper connections

Test this by using a basic terminal software to issue typed in commands. I use miniterm on Ubuntu.

M104 S190 return instructs the heater to raise the temperature to 190C

M105 return should echo current temperature.

Once you have that running getting control with EMC is relatively easy. Mach can be used but it has issues with sending commands over the serial port and is a bugger to set up and is then unreliable. These short comings are supposed to be fixed in the next version but I would not hold your breath as this does not seem to be going to be released for some time yet.

The way forward is to connect the extruder stepper motor as the CNC A axis.

When you are ready to create gcode Skeinforge has a way of creating code with "A" instead of "E" which is the reprap definition for coding extruder commands.


Re: Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 29, 2011 06:02AM
Converted a Sieg X3 to CNC and now looking to add FDM capability.

You seem to be at the leading edge of trying to use MACH3 and simplify the process.

Skeinforge has a way of creating code with "A" instead of "E", please explain or point to info?

Planned on keeping the extruder heater self contained, closed loop set point with Thermistor and power transistor/FET and a Pot/switch, so no serial/USB issues.

Not sure how the "A" (rotary)axis is going to synce to the rate of linear travel? Just assuming some how of doing this in MACH3.

Regards Peter
Re: Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 29, 2011 06:26AM
Just read this:-


Simple ?

Regards Peter
Re: Heeeeeeeelp on Mach 3 and extruder
March 30, 2011 04:39AM

You need to use replace in the Skeinforge alterations directory. There are example files.

Skeinforge takes care of synchronizing A axis movement if Dimension is activated.


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