I have written a few post processors for Kisslicer and Cura gcode that may be useful to others.
1) Flow tweak [
Flow tweak allows you to change the flow rate of different extrusion types (Perimeters, infill, support, etc). Created to allow you to reduce the perimeter flow while keeping the rest correct as to keep the overall dimensions correct and not end up with holes in the solid infill etc.
2) Prime pillar [
Prime pillar allows you to add a prime pillar to slow down small prints. It also allows you to add a dwell to make the time between layers even longer. Mostly for Cura since Kisslicer already has a prime pillar option.
3) Tool change [
Tool change lets you switch extruders (up to 4) for different extrusion types (Perimeters, infill, support, etc).
4) ABS_2_REL [
Abs to rel allows you to convert absolute E gcode to relative E. Tested with Cura since it is the only slicer without a Relative E option. (also see [
forums.reprap.org] for a Relative E cura engine).
They all have minimal testing performed and may still have bugs. Please let me know if you encounter any so I can fix them. The usage instructions are provided in the Readme file for each script. The variables all need to be set in the settings section at the beginning of each script.