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Distance between hotend and table

Posted by scanboy 
Distance between hotend and table
March 15, 2012 10:21AM
I have all electronics working and as I was putting the endstop yesterday, I don't know how close I should make the hotend come to the table before stopping it with the endstop. What is the distance you guys have between the tip of the hotend to the table when your z-axis is stopped by the endstop? I just don't know how close it should go before stopping it. Any suggestion?
Re: Distance between hotend and table
March 16, 2012 06:55AM
It all depends on what percentage of a layer height your hot end will raise before starting printing. That's a setting of your gcode production software (Slic3r or Skeinforge).

I make the hotend tip just touch the bed (but not push onto it) and have that setting at 0.66 so that the first layer is partially squashed onto the bed.

Some other people leave a paper sheet thickness between the hotend and bed, some says it's not good to squash your first layer (and so raise a full layer height on print start) because it change the object final height, etc...

Most of my technical comments should be correct, but is THIS one ?
Anyway, as a rule of thumb, always double check what people write.
Re: Distance between hotend and table
March 16, 2012 12:11PM
I see, I guess it's something I'll have to try out. Thanks for the insight.
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