I picked up anAnet A8 with what seemed to be a problem with the LCD blanking and showing square blocks at times. Then started having Z axis errors like constantly losing leveling and/or Z position.
Now the board seems to be dead. No lights on the board after pushing the reset button.
I purchased an Ultimsaker Einsy Retro board to replace the fried Anet board and there was no documentation in the box. I don't have an EE degree and can't figure out the schematics that I found online.
I had purchased a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ while the A8 was still running the original board, to make it easier to use.
I would like to install the Einsy board and Pi 3 and get the printer going again.
I contacted Ultimachine for help and they basically sent me here.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I get broken stuff and try to fix 'em...