As my first venture into 3D machines still works well after 1,5 years running. Now I have changed a little of the delta design, making it more and more precise, adjusting a couple of thing here and there and ran into the discussion with a friend of mine concerning the precision of the stepper motors I currently use. They are of the very cheap chinese (robotdigg, 6,5€) sort.
Of course I do beleave, that with more and higher quality components it will run even more precise, but I would like to hear from you what Brand of stepper motors are reasonable in terms of price and precision. I have been happy with the cheap chinese NEMA 17s, in combination with the RAMPS, but have now changed to a RADDS and would be interested in what you think would be appropriate.
Stay with the chinese ones?
Have one from brand XY?
... looking foreward to your comments!