Hey everyone,
I`m currently using a direct drive bowden extruder with a NEMA 17 Motor (SM42HT38-1684AF) and DRV8825 stepper drivers. My whole printer is running in an enclosure, which heats up to about 40°C (necessary for larger ABS prints).
The temperature of the extruder motors chassis rises up to around 60°C, measured with an IR thermometer. Is this a tolerable temperature or am I risking long term damage of the stepper motor? I already attached a 40mm fan and turned the stepper drivers current just high enough, so the extruder won't miss any steps.
I read that the inside temperature of the stepper motor is about 30°C higher than the chassis temperature (so ~90°C at the inside in my case) and this particular motor can take a temperature rise of 80°C at an ambient temperature of up to 50°C. Does that mean the motor can handle up to 130°C and I'm still 40°C away before damaging the motor?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2016 02:36PM by Persephone.