Hi all,
I think I am missing something simple here, I hope someone can help.
I have put together a Bear Prusa clone, kinda. Anyway, I printed some parts and assembled it mostly like a Bear. It is using Ramps 1.4 and Drv8825 drivers.
My issue is that the Y motor has some clunkiness sometimes, then the printer errors and has to reset. If I home the printer, sometimes it stops fine, then starts ticking about every second for a minute or two before needing to reset.
I have run it without the y belt and get the same symptoms.
I have swapped driver boards, both Drv8825 and the A4988. I have swapped stepper motors. I have swapped the ramps board. I have not swapped the Mega board. I have isolated the wire to the stepper so no cross talk.
I have adjusted the voltage. Changed the step settings from no microstep to 1/32. Set steps per mm to various things to account for weird missed steps.
It is only on the y. The heat sink gets hot and the motor whines.
I don't know what I am missing.
Thanks Scot