Hi, I'm considering building an alum extrusion framed 3d printer themed on Ultimaker
I would like to use a 300x200 heat bed. The bed itself (alum + heater) isn't difficult to buy.
But that needs to sit atop a thick sheet. And because it's Ultimaker-themed the thick
sheet needs to be somewhat bigger than 300x200 - since it rides vertically on 12mm rods
and needs to have a driving nut attached for a lead screw. My plan is draw it in FreeCAD
and send to a good fellow or to some online CNC service to get done. I would hope
the maker to supply the material too.
Would anybody here be able to suggest a good place for me to get this thing manufactured in the UK?
I'm actually located in London if that matters.. Also anybody got any idea how thick it needs to be? 5mm?