Edit or modify STL files
February 04, 2016 02:51AM
Do you need to change STL files?
I am able to edit or change STL files and make them ready for 3D printing.
Contact me i.model@icloud.com
Re: Edit or modify STL files
February 04, 2016 03:10AM
Would be too easy to use one of the fully working online services like Netfabb or to check the files directly, so of course I will send my stuff to someone totally unkown...
Most likely even chuck in some money for an otherwise free service LOL

Scammers have strange ways of advertising these days....
Re: Edit or modify STL files
July 31, 2016 10:02AM
I'm pretty much of the mindset that if you can't create/edit your own source files then you shouldn't even own a 3D printer at this point in time.
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