Hello everyone,
I have printed some MiniExtruders (great for multi-color or multi-material printers). Just have a look at
Flickr and
YouTube to see the extruder in action. The actual design-files are now available on
The original design of this extruder comes from Adrian Bowyer (first seen on
vimeo), I have just slightly modified it. The extruder body is modified to use a tongue to hold the bowden tube - so eMaker-Huxley and RepRapPro hot-ends should fit without problems (and without any adaptions). The second change to the original design is the screw hole for the idler (idler screw only can be removed, wenn the stepper motor is dismounted). And I have made a change to the grub hole in the small gear to make the nut retainer a little stronger. If you want to have a look to the original files please visit:
If you want to buy one MiniExtruder (or even more) or just a few parts for your own extruder, please write a PM or take a look at
eMAKERshop - there you will find additional information.
Best wishes
3D Andy