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working on a reprap that was a repstrap

working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 29, 2013 06:57PM
I started building a repstrap then I got parts for a few bucks to make a reprap, (printrbot ). I've heard that the printrbot has some stability issues. So I'm trying to build a reprap using printrbot printed parts and custom building the rest. I have prolly 10 different hardend steel rods. Some are in sets. I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas to build. A base. Also ANY IDEAS ON CUSTOM UPGRADES WOULD BE APPRECIATED. I have a temporary base setup so I can figure out the size I want
open | download - 2013-01-29 15.41.52.jpg (211 KB)
Re: working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 30, 2013 03:19PM
I started to re-design the base for My printrbot and I'm actually making some headway. Here is the base that I'm starting with. I currently just have the rest mocked up, no bearigs etc. I have also expanded the width of My printrbot to 14 and 1/2" the height is 19 and 1/2" I'm not sure how tall the final product will be. This is just how long My rods are before any adjustment. I also have 12mm rods that I might use for the bed which are 13" long. this gives me roughly 14 x 13 x 17" of usable print space. The whole reprap will be re-inforced to handle any unwanted movement. I also added anti-backlash for my z axis. I took this spring loaded anti backlash concept from the ones I designed for My cnc and the work quite well. If you have any input let me know. I will post pics ASAP. For some reason It's having issues.
Re: working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 30, 2013 03:21PM
Here is the start of My journey.
open | download - 2013-01-30 11.59.05.jpg (216.2 KB)
Re: working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 30, 2013 03:25PM
Here's the full pic.
open | download - 2013-01-30 11.58.42.jpg (223.8 KB)
Re: working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 30, 2013 09:07PM
I finally figured out the sagging motor issue that many printrbot builders have. I created a mount for the motor that creates perfect equal pressure. It also eliminates any lateral movement. Check out the pics. That problem is solved on to the next.
open | download - IMG_20130131_180002.jpg (185.9 KB)
open | download - IMG_20130131_175920.jpg (165.8 KB)
Re: working on a reprap that was a repstrap
January 31, 2013 08:40AM
May your journey be long and scenic.
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