RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 24, 2010 11:50PM
This is a call to arms for everyone who wants to make a RepRap Robo-One Bipedial Robot! with their RepRaps, and do a team design! Or multiple designs!

Obligatory wiki page for notes, photos, files, along with (but better) than attachments here.

Background notes:
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 25, 2010 03:14AM
Hi Sebastien,

... i built and programmed some comercial- and hobby-kits - see here and here some of the bi-, tri-, quadro- and simplest hexa-pods and the rolling "c't-bot" ... maybe some of the simpler driving methods can be inspiration for own designs ...

Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 25, 2010 06:35PM
A guy I used to know, Jin Sato, made these
using this:
and a little

More recently, he did this:

I've been thinking of seeing if he might want to do a new RepRappable one with us that we could share it on the wiki.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 26, 2010 03:01AM
Hi Sebastien,

... nice toys grinning smiley ... but i think Matt's milling hexapod would have more benefit spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Look here for his other hexapods ...

Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 26, 2010 10:15AM
... nice toys... but i think Matt's milling hexapod would have more benefit

They may look like toys, but they are fun and they motivate basic research.

Any kind of robotics hobby stuff is welcome under RepRap's umbrella.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2010 10:16AM by SebastienBailard.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 26, 2010 11:04AM
Hi Sebastien,

... let's look, where the common interests splits ...

Humanoids and pet-like robots are really interesting and motivating ... but complicated/inefficient in handling and behaviour smiling smiley

Search some real-life-aplications where robots where used ... they are mostly wheeled or multi-pods. Bipeds/humanoids have mostly big problems with balancing or applying forces with usefull stiffness/stability/accuracy.

My 'ideal' robot-system would be a swarm of small hybrides - like catoms or molecubes ... later maybe like foglets cool smiley

Or think about snakelike/wormlike robots without any legs winking smiley

Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 26, 2010 01:04PM
Humanoids and pet-like robots are really interesting and motivating ... but complicated/inefficient in handling and behaviour

It motivates robot vision through robot soccer. There are things like robot wrestling, etc.

Also, it's fun.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 26, 2010 04:21PM
... oh, yes! - i'm supporter of robosoccer and some other disciplines too grinning smiley

It's more the comparison of expense vs. usability, where humanoids loose eye rolling smiley

When i first started with robotics, i tried to develop a walking robot with 'hands', not grippers - but after some early attempts and excursions into 'bionics' and fluid muscles i went other routes ...

Now i first research the usability of different design for a specific task ... and very seldom there is a point for humanoids confused smiley

But this is my personal point of view ... so don't hesitate: - go humanoid smileys with beer

Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
January 31, 2010 05:44PM
Oh thank you Victor I had missed seeing that post on the Milling Hexpod.

It looks like it is a model plane brush less motor that's being used there.

Its amazing how many little gems like that are hidden in the forum.

Sebastien's idea of separating the threads out in to more specialized sections.

Then also creating specialist areas in the Wiki should prevent gems like this vanishing from sight.

Thank you both

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Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
December 26, 2011 05:21PM
Hi Sebastian, I have always had an interest in robotics. I am currently working on getting all the parts to build a RepRap printer. I have been looking at all the designs, and want to build one that is easily made bigger so it can make bigger things. I have started the process of drawing up all the parts that it will take to make my design. I will make the first set out of aluminum in my shop. I have lathes and milling machines and all the tools needed to weld, cut and shape aluminum or steel. I have purchased a Seeeduino ADK board to use as my controller, but I have not found firmware or instructions for installing the firmware yet for controlling a RepRap Printer. I have Google Sketch-up for making my drawings, and skeinforge for translating the drawings into gcode. If you have any words of advice or can suggest the easiest path for getting everything up and running, I would be appreciative of the help.

I would be willing to help with the part designing and robot building for your project. Just let me know. You can email me directly at if that is easier.

Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
December 26, 2011 06:54PM
Hi Alex,

... this is a really old post, so maybe Sebastien won't answer - please give a more specific view to your interests and basics, maybe others will join.

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RepRap Robo-One
March 14, 2012 06:01PM
The purpose of the ROBO-ONE, the
Is spread to people more "fun of the robot."

Competition will be fighting is the main axis of the ROBO-ONE.
top lightweight (less than 3kg).

ROBO-ONE J-class
Less than 50cm tall, is a lightweight fighting competitions held in the robot body weight less than 1.5kg. (With a seventh Annual Meeting, has been integrated into the ROBO-ONE)

ROBO-ONE Special
Running, climbing stairs, and athletic competitions, etc. that includes various integrated. You say tournament to determine the best robot in the world.

Is a robotic soccer tournament team is composed of four robots.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
May 17, 2012 12:40AM
Have there been any developments in this area?

Creating a reprap robo-one bot would be awesome!

I can finally put all those servos I've collected over the years from RC into use!
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
May 24, 2012 04:08PM
I think a good start to this project would be to take an existing design and convert it to reprapped parts.

Are there any open source designs floating around?
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
July 11, 2012 12:23AM
Good idea.

Most of the commercially available bots, such as the Kondo's come in kits anyway.

All we'd really need are the 3D models for the brackets etc I think. Everything else is just standard electronics such as servos, gyros and controllers.

Anybody here with a kit they'd like to 'share'? haha.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
July 11, 2012 12:39AM
Found this on Thingiverse.

Blue Thunder Body Kit

It's a frame kit by ZaphodBeeblebrox.

The drawing is pretty funny, and there aren't any pictures of a completed working model, but the plans 'look' like they could work.

Anybody game enough to give it a go?
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
July 15, 2012 01:48AM
> Most of the commercially available bots, such as
> the Kondo's come in kits anyway.

That's true. Starting with a commercial kit is a good choice since you have a reliable baseline. Getting humanoid robots to perform reliably can be a major challenge if you try to design one from scratch.

> All we'd really need are the 3D models for the
> brackets etc I think.

Most of the available kits use sheet metal brackets - which means thin brackets, tight clearances, and a lot of stress on bends. That will be difficult to model successfully. You could certainly produce printable parts, but they would be very likely to crack or break easily under actual operating conditions. The load bearing parts, especially in the feet/legs/hips would need to be redesigned to compensate.

The one exception is the Robotis humanoid series because they are designed using injection molded plastic parts. People have successfully printed replacement parts for the Bioloid and DARwiN-OP humanoids.

> Everything else is just
> standard electronics such as servos, gyros and
> controllers.

None of the commercial humanoid robot kits use 'standard electronics'. The servos are specifically designed for use in humanoid robots and the controllers/software are usually proprietary designs.

> Anybody here with a kit they'd like to 'share'?

Not when they cost $700 and up....

> haha.


Lem Fugitt
3D Printing Dreams
Robots Dreams
"The map is not the territory."
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
July 15, 2012 01:55AM
> Found this on Thingiverse.
> Blue Thunder Body Kit
> It's a frame kit by ZaphodBeeblebrox.
> The drawing is pretty funny, and there aren't any
> pictures of a completed working model, but the
> plans 'look' like they could work.
> Anybody game enough to give it a go?

Doesn't look like he got very far with it. Here's more information:

Blue Thunder Robot

Lem Fugitt
3D Printing Dreams
Robots Dreams
"The map is not the territory."
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
August 25, 2012 02:26PM
Hi Guys

I found some open source downloads for bipeds

see []

several designs with stl's to download as well as component lists etc
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
September 16, 2012 03:28PM
How about a crawling robot!

Another one which is open source is the iCub.

Its a little too sophisticated for reprap fabrication, but the designs might be worth having a look at.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2012 03:34PM by martinprice2004.
Re: RepRap Robo-One Working Party smileys with beer
September 28, 2012 02:11PM
The idea is fantistic for many reasons and a sketch of what I'm going farword till now. I love it when the technology fulfills the measure if its creation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2012 02:13PM by printingray.

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