40mm t-slot large format printer July 15, 2014 01:27PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
I’ve got a lot of junk laying around in my studio/office. And most of it is random/extra parts form past projects. So when I went through it all I was kindly reminded of plans to build a large format (300mm^3 +) 3D printer. With a few days of designing, tweaking, CADing, tweaking, CADing, re-designing, and more CADing, I was able to coming with a pretty nice design.
Here are some of the features*:
125,000,000 mm^3 build volume
That’s a 500mm x 500mm x 500mm build volume! I am planning on adding another ~150mm in the X direction and ~60mm in the Y direction later on, but for right now I just want to get the thing built.
100:1 geared extruder with MIG welder drive roll
Since I am an avid member of the reprap.org forums, I came across an extruder used by the user cnc_dick. He uses a a MIG welder driver roll in combination with a 100:1 geared stepper to get very high torque and an extremely reliable stepper. I redesigned his extruder to be a bit more user friendly, and I will definitely be putting his claims of swinging the extruder by the filament without any slippage to the test to really see how much this extruder can hold. There will also be a separate post just about the extruder.
Im the meantime, you can check out the discussion about his extruder design on the Reprap.org forum. (http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?14,361658)
40mm aluminum t-slot frame
This is was restarted with project. I had bought a lot of 40mm extrusion off eBay back in the fall, but that was about it. So I picked up some fasteners and fastening plates from 80/20 and finished up most of the frame. (I say “most” because there no bottom square yet. I only had 16 pieces of extrusion.)
FabTotum CoreXY gantry system
The guys over at FabTotum did a critical analysis of the CoreXY gantry system. They figured out that while the standard CoreXY is a good system, it can be even better by running the belts at 2 different levels and avoiding the dreaded cross over. (http://blog.fabtotum.com/blog/2014/04/04/belts-and-stuff-experiences-to-share/)
NEMA 23 stepper motors
NEMA 17 motors are great… for smaller sized printers. Since I want to go big, I need to go big on the motors as well. the recommended holding torque for a standard Reprap is 19.4 ozf*in (http://reprap.org/wiki/Stepper_motor#Holding_torque) although it is probably a little dated, so let’s say 40 ozf*in coming from a NEMA 17 with a current rating of 1.2 A. The motors are typically run at a max current of 0.6 A, so you would get approximately 1/2 the rated torque of the motor, 20 ozf*in.
Now by using a NEMA 23 that has a torque and current rating of 425 ozf*in and 3A, respectively, I can get a theoretical torque of 85 ozf*in at the same current as the NEMA 17. That’s over 4x the torque!
polycarbonate enclosure
Since this is going to be a pretty large printer, 52″ x 29″ x 29″, I wanted unnoticeable as possible. Instead of leaving the sides open, I decided to put paneling on them to give it much cleaner look. This will also keep the printing environment more controlled by blocking any drafts that might cross the build plate.
I also hope to add a full heated build chamber in the future, but like the enlarged build volume, the panel suffice for now.
storage cabinet
Last, but not least is the storage cabinet. Like I mentioned in the beginning, I have a lot of stuff for my hobbies, so having a large cabinet to store my filament, spare parts, and finishing tools would make my studio a bit more tidy.
*separate posts will be made about each of these features.
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer July 15, 2014 09:42PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 790 |
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer July 15, 2014 10:49PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
I love it. Very well thought out. Picking out the same good things I'm looking at. I've got nothing much more to add except an automatic fire suppression system [something I won't be starting with, taken with a grain of salt, it is costly]
Yes, yes, and yes with FABTotum's modified CoreXY. The instant I saw that I fell in love. As suggested here and there by I forget who, rather than expanding build size in both directions, I would expand in one. Most needs for a larger axis are typically elongated pieces. The larger you go the harder curving plastics will be to control in any form or fashion. Also, this can give you larger build volume without increasing your moving mass if you increase the right axis your gantry moves on.
Eh.. linear rails, especially [[b]especially[/b]] for larger build volumes is about as bad as it gets. I've chosen the V-Slot path for my linear motion system.
Otherwise, good choices!
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer July 31, 2014 06:39PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 107 |
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer August 23, 2014 07:18PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14 |
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer August 24, 2014 06:43AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 474 |
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer August 24, 2014 01:09PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 553 |
Re: 40mm t-slot large format printer August 25, 2014 01:20PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 17 |