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Time to rebuild the OrdBot.

Posted by madmike8 
Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
March 18, 2015 10:25PM
My OrdBot needs a rebuild, so I'm going to document it here. It started off being built from individually bought parts, some not so good. I had a wades extruder and some polish made hotend for 3mm filament. I then switch to an Alex extruder and the Jhead-lite hotend setup for 1.75mm PLA it has on it now. Which worked ok, but not as good as the other printers I had at my disposal. I use Marlin firmware with servo Z auto level setup. I've seen some upgrades on thingiverse that I'm going to add to it, clean the wiring back up, and add a hotbed.

Anyways here's how she looks now.

As I get new parts printed and purchased, I'll make updates.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2015 10:29PM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
March 22, 2015 08:28PM
I've been printing parts for the upgrades.

End Stop Mounts

Ord X axis Stepper Spacer

X Axis Belt Tensioner

Makerslide End Caps

Ord Bot Handle

Ord Bot Z Rod Stabilizer

Ord Bot Feet

Something's I'm still trying to decide on is a good RAMPS mount/cover/box, LCD case/mount, Hotend mount...

I will post updates as they come....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2015 08:31PM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
March 27, 2015 11:10PM
I got her tore down today. I want to paint all the plates flat black.

Then I mounted the new feet. I really like these.

Now I just have to wait for the rain to end, so I can get to painting.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
March 31, 2015 06:50PM
The first X carriage I got when i originally built the ordbot wasn't bent evenly. Since it was twisted at the bend I had some nice guy on buildlog.net give one of his spares so I could complete mine. I've decided to mod the first carriage by cutting it just above the bend, and mount a prusa style hotend holder to it. I should of taken a pic before I cut it up.

Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 03, 2015 01:46AM
Not much to update here. I'm waiting on a few parts to arrive.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 12, 2015 11:34PM
I'm starting to put her back together now.

I think I've narrowed down what I want to print for my LCD and RAMPS mounts.

I like this RAMPS mount with the hinged lid.

Dasaki Ramps 1.4 Enclosure

And I like this LCD mount

Gadgets 3D LCD Mount

Now I just have to get those printed.

I think this is the dual hotend mount I'm going to try.

Prusa i3 Adjustable Dual Hotend Mount

I'll be using the same Bowden extruders that I've been using on the Funbot.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2015 12:40AM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 13, 2015 10:17PM
I got my new Power Supply wired up today.

Hipro HP-W500FF3 500W Server Power Supply
12v @ 41 Amps
5v @ 2 Amps

This has a slot style connection. With the Hipro label up the top of the blade left to right under the fan.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |----------| |----------|
1 2 3 4 5 6 Gnd. 12V

3 Ps_On_Ctl
4 Ps_Kill
6 5vsb

Bottom side of the blade two larger pads are Gnd and 12v again

To turn on the power supply tie both Ps_On_Ctl and Ps_Kill to Gnd.

That ought to do her...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2015 10:27PM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 14, 2015 01:38PM
Here's better details.

Remove these 5 screws
And open the case to make it easier to solder wires.

Pull back the case, and connect wires on the correct pads.

Close it back up and put the screws back in.
Turn on the power supply by connecting PS_On and PS_Kill to Gnd.

Hope that helps.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2015 01:39PM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 15, 2015 08:13PM
Made a cover for the power supply today. Still need to print the back half.
made it abble to attach to the makerslide.

I attached the STL's and OpenSCAD files.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2015 08:18PM by madmike8.
open | download - Hipro-hp-w500ff3-case-end.scad (774 bytes)
open | download - Hipro-hp-w500ff3-case-end2040.stl (71.3 KB)
open | download - Hipro-hp-w500ff3-open-endv2.scad (1.1 KB)
open | download - Hipro-hp-w500ff3-open-endv2.scad (1.1 KB)
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 17, 2015 09:10AM
I printed the case for the RAMPS last night.

Dasaki Ramps 1.4 Enclosure

I need to open the holes for the fans now.

I also printed out a new set of Z blocks.

Hadron (ORD Bot) Z-Axis Wobble Absorber

and the new dual adjustable hotend holder

Prusa i3 Adjustable E3D J-Head Dual Extruder

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2015 10:47AM by madmike8.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 20, 2015 01:45PM
I printed out the other end of my power supply holder today.

Fits good. I even added in the slots for the hot swap locking mechanism.

Btw, I'm going to paint these flat black before they are installed permanently. I will add some deans connectors housings and a switch to complete the setup.
Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 21, 2015 01:15AM
I got it painted black, and got the Deans Connector mount installed. Still have to get an on/off switch mounted.

Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 25, 2015 05:26PM
Making Progress.

Got the MK3 Heatbed mounted on Hightemp Silicone tubing.
Got the dual hotend holder mounted to the X carriage.
Got the fan holes cut out of the RAMPS box, and got it mounted.
Got the LCD mounted in the holder and onto the back plate.

Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
April 26, 2015 09:16AM
Link to belt clamps I will be using.


One for X and one for Y. I used these before and they worked great.

Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
January 31, 2016 05:04AM
I realise it's been a while but any updates to your build?
My OrdHadron has been sitting unused for over a year and I really should get it going again (need to print parts for my X-Carve)
Currently has both Z motors connected in series but I plan to use the second extruder controller and slave the Z motors together.
Trying to remember how to configure marlin ...

Re: Time to rebuild the OrdBot.
February 01, 2016 12:07PM
I had finished it up quickly, so I could give it to my brother. They are great machines once you get them tuned. I think with the newer versions of Marlin there is just a simple setting in the Configuration_adv.h, but if that fails you can just set the E1 pins to match the Z pin number in pins.h for your board if I'm remembering correctly.
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