Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 02:44PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 03:49PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 06:39PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
No idea, I'm just about to throw my duplicator i3 onto a 2020 frame and I liked how it has 2 beams in the z axis it seems like the best design for sturdiness aside from just building a box (which seems excessive on an i3 style printer).
Just need to go about designing the parts around the existing hardware I have and was looking for inspiration.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 10:09PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 11:02PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 11:06PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
I was thinking a horizontal layout for the x as well I'm just not sure how I am going to mount my extruder setup.
I've been looking around but haven't really been able to find examples of an MK10 being mounted that way so I'm not sure how I should go about it. And I have a microswiss all metal hotend that I am happy with so I don't really want to change it. That being said I surely have time to think about it because I am going to be waiting on a lot of things from china.
As for the bed I want to convert the current 4 spring setup to a 3 spring setup with 1 of them being at a fixed height and the other 2 being adjustable. I definitely understand where you are coming from about the springs, I am going to need to source some better ones. Right now as it is the printer does pretty well with 100ms as the base speed so I think making these changes is going to improve what this machine can do quite a bit.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 27, 2017 11:15PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Was thinking something like this. I don't mean to sidetrack your thread here but this printer is pretty close to what I want.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 28, 2017 06:38PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Was thinking something like this. I don't mean to sidetrack your thread here but this printer is pretty close to what I want.
not a problem.
hmmm... in the proposed design diagram, i would find it hard to design an x-carriage that fitted say 2 horizontal rods separated by 70mm in between them, plus say 15mm extra each side for the LM8UU bearings plus a bit extra for separation. that's looking more like... a 100mm gap plus 20mm plus 20mm for the extrusion, and it looks like you have... 45? 50mm at most? or you'd need to make the frame abouuut.... 60mm wider to accommodate 1/2 the carriage width plus a bit.
this is why i decided to move the y-rods to the front of the upright-supports-box. there you have absolutely no problem about access to the carriage, no matter if it's fully to the left or to the right.
... make sense?
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 28, 2017 07:20PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 29, 2017 02:33AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
The whole moving Y axis really seems non-ideal in the first place, but I'm working with what I have here for now.
I was thinking about using a 3 hole setup mounted similar to what this person has done here (with a ball gymbal on one post and 2 other adjustable posts).
Putting some springs on rods in the other holes to increase rigidity seems like a good idea to me, so I will follow your advice there.
As far as cad goes, the only thing remotely similar that I am familiar with is Sketchup, but I've been spending some time learning Fusion 360.
For making revisions Sketchup is a joke, you have to do everything manually and very often the fixes that you make ruin faces etc. Sketchup just behaves irratically in general, but it's pretty easy to learn and good for a quick, non-mechanical sketch. I really need to look into openscad.
I'm going to figure out my x-carriage for now and go from there.
I'm supposed to be getting my extrusion tomorrow but will be waiting on bolts, nuts, angle brackets and my ramps board to arrive from China, which is probably a good thing, at least I won't rush anything.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec November 29, 2017 01:50PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 04, 2017 11:55AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 04, 2017 04:13PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 04, 2017 04:21PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Ordered a ball screw for the bed, just happen to find it while browsing banggood:
Eventually I do want to build a coreXY, but I will want to design my own parts because when I do build it I kind of want it to be my endgame fdm printer, but before I go and spend that kind of money I want to get my feet wet dealing with this first.
Is solid python the same thing as pyopenscad, if not do you have a link? Yeah, I have seen some pretty interesting things done with openscad but I just haven't gotten around to checking it out.
Thanks again for the input, will keep you updated.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 04, 2017 10:42PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 05, 2017 07:28AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
As far as the x axis goes I think I'm pretty much done with the basic layout, just a few more things to do:
Place endstop
Design cooler
Place screw holes for leadscrew and z rod.
Place screw holes for the x rods.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 06, 2017 02:27PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 05:04AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 05:07AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 03:50PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 06:23PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
The bearing holding section is actually 50mm long so you could go with 3-4 lM8UUs or 2 lM8LUUs. Right now I have the 2 LM8LUUs that are on my printer and I will probably use those. Idk if I'm going to replace them or not, will probably decide later, I can always order some online if I decide to. I wish those encased IGUs were not so expensive. I would love to have linear rails but I don't want to invest that much into this printer.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 10:28PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 13, 2017 10:36PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
On this printer I am not going to be changing the hotend, it's already an all metal MK10 hotend (and again not going to be spending more money on this printer, eventually it will just be my secondary printer). The extruder assembly is going to be easy enough to remove as it is (if I need to do any maintenance). The bearing holder area is 50mm the main body is 70mm and things fit perfectly, it's definitely a snug fit but I figured I would make it as compact as I could.
I think I will follow your advice and go with a 4 LM8UU setup.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 14, 2017 09:29AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 14, 2017 09:26PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
All I would have to do to remove is is take 2 screws out of where the fan meets the heatsink and unscrew 2 screws from the bottom and it would lift out, if anything it's going to be easier to take off then it is right now.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 14, 2017 10:40PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 15, 2017 11:41AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 19, 2017 08:48PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 19, 2017 11:45PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Is that a flexible shaft / direct drive extruder a la zesty nimble?
That printer looks pretty nice. Have you guys decided on what to do about part cooling?
I cut some of my aluminum and was starting to put the frame together only to realize that the aluminum extrusion that I have is special snowflake extrusion and doesn't have the regular 6mm slot that every other extrusion has (it's 5.26 iirc), and so the drop in nuts I have won't work. I had to order some slide in 'economy' type nuts.
I guess this is what I get for buying 2020 extrusion from newegg (the only reason I did that is because I had a gift card btw).
Just sitting on my desk taunting me.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 22, 2017 03:29PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |