Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 23, 2017 02:36AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Wasn't aware anyone else was doing that type of remote-direct drive setup.
TBH not really impressed with the zesty nimble and have no want or need for one. It looks pretty janky, the idler bearing assembly looks really flimsy and I would not pay for that kind of design.
That Flex3Drive system looks pretty cool though, maybe I'll look into that next time.
Finally got my 'economy nuts' in, I'm pretty much done with the x axis, now just needs to work on the Y mounts, which should be very quick work and then the Z mounts (which are mostly done).
Still waiting on some things from china (antibacklash nuts, screws, the ball screw I ordered for the bed). So it's still going to be a while before I throw it all together. I started to put some of the extrusion pieces together, this is my first experience with it and I'm not too impressed with the metal corner brackets that I ordered, they have a lot of slop in the slots. I might just print some of my own to make getting things square easier.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 23, 2017 11:04AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 23, 2017 12:29PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
I've got quite a few of the triangles and I ordered 2 brands and have way more than I need, but thanks though.
I just feel like the triangles don't do anything to help ensure that the actual extrusions are square and aligned,
I'm just going to print or buy some that have multiple mounting points and use those where possible, probably just print some.
I ordered this ball screw which I should be getting any day now, I'll just drill a hole and use a countersink/chamfer bit to give it a place to sit. Then I will have to find a couple tensioning/pull springs and I'll put one on each side so it will stay down, at least that's the plan.
Or maybe I can just print something to keep it held down, that might be a better. I think I will do that, it seems easier.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 23, 2017 01:38PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 25, 2017 12:37AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 25, 2017 01:33AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Still thinking things through but this is a simple drawing of what I have in mind for keeping the bed pressed against the ball screw, basically a simple spring pinch clamp:
I tried printing some of these brackets (in addition to using the metal ones) to see if things might feel better and it seems to be a good improvement so I think I will use these when I can.
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 31, 2017 03:12PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec December 31, 2017 03:20PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 01, 2018 10:24AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 01, 2018 12:42PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 02, 2018 07:57PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 03, 2018 02:28AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
I'm going to be using an external mosfet like the one below for the heated bed, I've read about some of the power issues but those are only related to the heated bed power draw right?
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 03, 2018 03:11AM |
Admin Registered: 17 years ago Posts: 14,005 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 03, 2018 03:24AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
... here's a sample of slightly better "power+thermal"-design, how I'm using it for my own drivers with up to 20Amps (for more than 10Amps I'm aditionally soldering solid copper wires along the thick tracks):
[attachment 101125 Thermo-Design1.jpg]
But maybe even bigger of a problem are the cheap terminal pins (there are some designed for 20Amps, but not used for higher costs) ... and too, the bad habit to solder the the wires ends
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 04, 2018 06:45PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 04, 2018 06:49PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Will definitely watch your video, aside from what you are working on right now are there any boards that you could recommend that are currently available?
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 05, 2018 03:27PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 05, 2018 04:59PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 05, 2018 06:57PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 28 |
Re: Cheap-and-cheerful Taobao $150 knock-off running at 200mm/sec January 05, 2018 10:33PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
(whereas RAMPS often struggles to provide 10A),
I recommend Arduino/RAMPS to people in that situation,