So, here's my stab at building a delta bot.
At the moment it's just physically built..I have no controlling software. It's got 3 nema17s...(yes I know over powered, but that's all I got.) will have pololus with an arduino UNO. Later on down the road, there will be probably smaller steppers, and a sanguinololu...The effector is actually not the original...I broke the original...

Anyways! you can check it out on my website...and the flickr...and Well, here!
I decided to build a delta because they're basically as cheap as it can get to build a robot with minimal parts and size. It can be pretty accurate and I've never my own robot before. And as a first design/prototype, it'll be not much more than just a drawing machine. Later prototypes may become something else.
The device itself at it's basics goes as follows;
arduino UNO
3 nema 17s
3 a4983s
breadboard(s) and other electronics for the prototype
laser cut body
To be honest, I'm completely useless when it comes to coding...I've gathered some around the internets..but it's mostly greek to me. At the moment I'm trying to get into some contact with people about the coding side of it...however anyone who would like to help me out, feel free to drop a message!
Smooth Octopus linkz
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2012 10:05AM by Schweppes.
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