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Help need working firmware for kossel 2020!

Posted by Zukduk 
Help need working firmware for kossel 2020!
January 08, 2016 08:22AM
I recently bought a kossel 2020 as my first 3d printer which was a mistake... And i cant get it to stay consistent for nothing....finally got the z probe working and i dont think it does anything for me still hits bed while printing in some areas...does anyone have a working firmwar w for this printer that i can load.... I am not learning how to 3d print. Im learning how to cus in different languages.
Re: Help need working firmware for kossel 2020!
January 08, 2016 09:43AM
Deltas are pretty hard to setup vs other types of printers.

Its probably not so much a firmware problem as it is a build problem. You haveto make sure everything is equal.
Then you have to setup the firmware to match what you built.
Re: Help need working firmware for kossel 2020!
January 08, 2016 02:02PM
I have everything built to specs, finally figured out the probe settings (to work) when I get my bed leveled in arduino I will run the probe (g29) ,start the print and into the bed in some spots it goes, does the z probe not take care of this? Measurement on my bed is very close to equilibrium in 6 points x,y,z and inbetween.... I am using the kossel Rev b firmware from build site. It didn't have the z probe set to work properly had to figure it out on my own.....I have printed a few thing but have to fight it for hours to get it there...
Re: Help need working firmware for kossel 2020!
January 08, 2016 06:02PM
Running G29 is not an alternative to calibrating your delta printer properly. There are several good wiki pages and blog posts on how to do this. With standard Marlin or Repetier firmware, it's a manual process. I have an online calculator that reduces the number of iterations you need to do to get good calibration, at [www.escher3d.com].

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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