Hello Community!
I have slowly been in the process of designing a derivative of Johann's Rostock for about a month now, and I plan to go through with it during winter break when I'm off from school. I've never built a 3d printer before, but I've put a lot of time/design into making a new derivative of the Rostock. My plans are to make one that folds up for easy travel and printing on the go as I travel back and forth between school and home. It also helps that portable things tend to take up less space, which in a college dorm room can make all the difference.
I write this post because it appears that I have hit a snag in my design. I like the bowden extruder design that was included in the original Rostock post on Thingiverse, but I was hoping there would be other options. I was wondering if there were any ideas on what extruders I could pursue. Simplicity is key for me, and I want to have one that bolts onto the side of one of my support posts. Thank you so much for your help as I tackle this problem.