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Want to do a "pencil" dry print, but will not do x and y movements after the carrage is lowered to z = 0

Posted by DennyP 
Hello all,

I've got a Rostock printer built up and connected except for the Extruder motor, Extruder hot-end and the hot bed.
I want to do a calibration "dry-print" where I attach a pencil to the carriage and do a 2D print when Z = 0.

However whenever I upload a G-code using prointerface, it will not do the x and y movements after the carriage is lowered to Z = 0.

I home all axes as appropriately, then I upload the G-code (gear bearing to be precise: [www.thingiverse.com])
the carriage is lowered to Z =0, but then does nothing.

I assumed this is due to a safety interlock engaged due having a room temperature
value for the extruder and heated bed: the only safety feature I know is #define PREVENT_DANGEROUS_EXTRUDE, which has been commented out.

Here is the video of the situation:

My Config file is this:

I'm using:
Ramps 1.4
Marlin V1
24V 10A PSU
Two 100k neg-coff thermisters for the hotend and heated bed (not connected to either, just to test they work)

Appreciate any help.

Oh, here is the screenshot of the Prointerface:


As you can see, it stalls at 0.01% of the print, and a status message of T:15.7, E:0, Wmoody smiley (no idea what is W).
I also have a z_min showing when I do a M119 command, constantly triggered too.
Hi DennyP!

The W seems to be a countdown that tells you it is almost starting,
it waits until the temperature has been reached for a few seconds.

My Pronterface shows:

T:200.2 E:0 W:8
T:200.6 E:0 W:7
T:200.6 E:0 W:6
T:200.8 E:0 W:5
T:200.5 E:0 W:4
T:200.7 E:0 W:3
T:200.2 E:0 W:2
T:200.3 E:0 W:1
T:200.1 E:0 W:0

And then it starts printing.

M302 allows you to extrude with a cold extruder.

M119 reports a Z_MIN endstop, this is usually the nozzle probe.

I have had a weird Z problem that was caused by the probe,
you can try to disable it in Pins.h by setting Z_MIN_PIN to -1.

You probably also need to disable the ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING define.

Just a guess: your nozzle setpoint of 0C may be invalid?
You can try setting the setpoint to the current temperature.

RS-Online Ormerod #263, Kossel mini with Minitronics, Prusa i3 MK2
Maybe have a look at Repetier Host as well ?

It will simulate the circular print bed in its guy ánd it will allow dry run by hitting the cold button.

I was a pronterface fan first, but are getting quite fond with Repetier now.



Orca V4.4 rebuild to Ramps with Mk8 and E3D, as well as a Rostock Delta Mini and an OLO in backorder :-)
Thank you for the responses.
I've since updated my marlin and now my configuration file is represented as this dropbox link:


To 3D-ES, Thx for your reply!

It makes sense what you say about the waiting time, I'm guessing the duration of the wait
is determined by TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME - 10 for me.

I've inputted M302 as per your suggestion, but I've noticed it doesn't give an Echo callback after on Prointerface so I didn't know if it was doing something,
I tried printing after, but it still stalls saying Wmoody smiley

This Marlin config now has disabled the ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING, and Z_MIN endstop is now not reported after the M119 command is called.

I tried setting the hotend nozzle temperature (although I don't have one connected) to the ambient temperature, as seen in this screenshot:
It didn't presume a dry print, even though they're both virtually the same.

To Replace, Thx for your reply!

I've tried the "dry print" option in the manual section of Repetier host, to no avail.

This is the screenshot of the situation:

Additionally, I've set EXTRUDE_MINTEMP to 1 to ensure that I'm not under-temperature (and it's not winter haha).

Still stumped
You can tell Pronterface to show more GCODE output,
there is a "Debug G-code" option in the settings menu.

It looks like the printer wants to print, but waits for something.

Do you have a M109, M116 or M190 in your GCODE file?

M109 = Set extruder heater temperature and wait
M116 = Wait for all temperatures to reach set values
M190 = Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp

If you don't see those codes, can you post your file or the first 100 lines?

RS-Online Ormerod #263, Kossel mini with Minitronics, Prusa i3 MK2
Hello 3D-ES, thx again for your time.

I've searched those three codes and only found a M109 command, in the form:
"M109 S200 ; wait for temperature to be reached"

Full gcode is here:
Then you have probably found your problem!

That instruction tells your printer to wait for the nozzle to warm up,
try to disable that instruction by putting a ; in front of the M109 line!

RS-Online Ormerod #263, Kossel mini with Minitronics, Prusa i3 MK2
lol I knew I should've done that before I asked!!
It works!!!

Lesson learnt: Firmware disabling won't work if the G-code demands otherwise.
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