Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 25, 2015 09:58AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 30 |
If you use D9 for the fan, see my earlier note on this same thread. Using the files at Blomker, you actually have to know what you are doing, it's not plug and play. You have to make sure the arm's length, end switches (TRUE or FALSE), stepper motor speed, etc are properly entered. Otherwise, this could take you hours to configure and tweak. Also the files for Repetier and Marlin are different. I'm currently using Marlin's, but FolgerTech have the files for Repetier. There using to be a google drive like under their blog, but I just try it and it's not there any more. PM me if you need the Marlin's version (which I did modified from blomker).
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 25, 2015 12:42PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 12 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 25, 2015 04:21PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 76 |
Can someone confirm the extruder motor specs that come with the kit, even better can you give me a part number? I am curious what the holding torque and step angle is...
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 25, 2015 04:24PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 76 |
If you use D9 for the fan, see my earlier note on this same thread. Using the files at Blomker, you actually have to know what you are doing, it's not plug and play. You have to make sure the arm's length, end switches (TRUE or FALSE), stepper motor speed, etc are properly entered. Otherwise, this could take you hours to configure and tweak. Also the files for Repetier and Marlin are different. I'm currently using Marlin's, but FolgerTech have the files for Repetier. There using to be a google drive like under their blog, but I just try it and it's not there any more. PM me if you need the Marlin's version (which I did modified from blomker).
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 25, 2015 04:27PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 76 |
Hello everyone.
I just finished building my Kossel with custom dimensions, using 2020 profile. While exploring for firmware, I came across of this forum and decided to use FolgerTech_kossel_firmware_V2 for 20 tooth (modified for 16 tooth pulley).
After manual calibration for surface flatness and correct Z travel (I changed steps/mm because the calculated value using formula above, was giving me some wired results), I tried autolevel function using G29 command. Very strange behavior! it seem to me that it tries to calibrate a plane which is inclined with almost 45 degree and located somewhere in the middle of the print height. Basically it is same as here but plane is inclined: []
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm using both, Repetier_Host and Pronterface.
Hardware is Ramps 1.4 + Mega 2560 V3 + DRV8825
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 26, 2015 10:38AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 110 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 27, 2015 01:49PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 3 |
Hello everyone.
I just finished building my Kossel with custom dimensions, using 2020 profile. While exploring for firmware, I came across of this forum and decided to use FolgerTech_kossel_firmware_V2 for 20 tooth (modified for 16 tooth pulley).
After manual calibration for surface flatness and correct Z travel (I changed steps/mm because the calculated value using formula above, was giving me some wired results), I tried autolevel function using G29 command. Very strange behavior! it seem to me that it tries to calibrate a plane which is inclined with almost 45 degree and located somewhere in the middle of the print height. Basically it is same as here but plane is inclined: []
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm using both, Repetier_Host and Pronterface.
Hardware is Ramps 1.4 + Mega 2560 V3 + DRV8825
Just a note, I spent 14 hours customizing the FW for this printer for FolgerTech, hence it is a custom firmware meant for their exact printer. Even though it may work for other printers, you will run into a lot of differences.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level February 27, 2015 02:31PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 76 |
Hello everyone.
I just finished building my Kossel with custom dimensions, using 2020 profile. While exploring for firmware, I came across of this forum and decided to use FolgerTech_kossel_firmware_V2 for 20 tooth (modified for 16 tooth pulley).
After manual calibration for surface flatness and correct Z travel (I changed steps/mm because the calculated value using formula above, was giving me some wired results), I tried autolevel function using G29 command. Very strange behavior! it seem to me that it tries to calibrate a plane which is inclined with almost 45 degree and located somewhere in the middle of the print height. Basically it is same as here but plane is inclined: []
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I'm using both, Repetier_Host and Pronterface.
Hardware is Ramps 1.4 + Mega 2560 V3 + DRV8825
Just a note, I spent 14 hours customizing the FW for this printer for FolgerTech, hence it is a custom firmware meant for their exact printer. Even though it may work for other printers, you will run into a lot of differences.
I appreciate you work. I managed to fix problems above, but still decided to switch to Marlin delta, to avoid future problems according to your information. But, there is a problem with that marlin, it's too big and gives low memory warning. Can you give me an advice, how to reduce sketch size? I don't have any memory issues with your version of firmware.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 01, 2015 01:15PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 1 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 01, 2015 10:15PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 11 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 01, 2015 11:56PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 9 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 02, 2015 06:26AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 02, 2015 06:41AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 69 |
Extruder question...
My extruder does not want to pull filament through unless I give it an extra push. It's not clogged, it's just like it does not have enough strength to pull it (it just wiggles back n forth) but if I add pressure it does feed as expected. I did measure the voltage at .55 as specified. I also tried a new stepper board thinking it may be faulty but same behavior. Any ideas?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 02, 2015 08:30PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 8 |
I increased my stepper voltage to .65v to get it to feed well. Since the Extruder motor is larger than the other 3 motors, the extra surface area dissapates heat better, it can handle more current and stillstay cool (The Folgertech manual voltage adjustment should be higher for this motor). You could even go higher than .65v if needed. The only risk you run is having the Polulo driver board get too hot and temporarily go into thermal studown for a couple minutes. I not only mounted the included heat sinks on all my Polulo boards, but I aso mounted a tiny fan to blow across them. I've never once had a single Populo go into termal protection mode, even without the fan.
-- Other than that, you might check your feed rate. If it is too high, it will skip. You will know if this is the case because your prints will have way too much material in each line causing little dropplets every mm or so.
-- Also, if the bearing in the extruder housing does not free wheel when lateral pressure is applied to it (just like it has when the filament presses against it, that can cause your symptom.
-- Make sure your spool is not dragging on the holder. The acrylic one provided in the kit is not adequate.
-- You might have crud in the middle to upper part of your extruder that is blocking the filament path.
My bet is on the voltage being too low.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 03, 2015 08:10AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 69 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 04, 2015 02:16PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 04, 2015 03:25PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 69 |
Very nice. Thought I'd try mine without bearings since the original acrylic seems okay. So far so good on mine. But do like the super low friction idea.Quote
I am using basically the same filament holder as you except mine has two roller bearings in it for super low friction movement of the spool. I uploaded my version to thingiverse here:
I got 2 bearings delivered for $3.30 here:
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 04, 2015 08:07PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 04, 2015 11:10PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 9 |
I increased my stepper voltage to .65v to get it to feed well. Since the Extruder motor is larger than the other 3 motors, the extra surface area dissapates heat better, it can handle more current and stillstay cool (The Folgertech manual voltage adjustment should be higher for this motor). You could even go higher than .65v if needed. The only risk you run is having the Polulo driver board get too hot and temporarily go into thermal studown for a couple minutes. I not only mounted the included heat sinks on all my Polulo boards, but I aso mounted a tiny fan to blow across them. I've never once had a single Populo go into termal protection mode, even without the fan.
-- Other than that, you might check your feed rate. If it is too high, it will skip. You will know if this is the case because your prints will have way too much material in each line causing little dropplets every mm or so.
-- Also, if the bearing in the extruder housing does not free wheel when lateral pressure is applied to it (just like it has when the filament presses against it, that can cause your symptom.
-- Make sure your spool is not dragging on the holder. The acrylic one provided in the kit is not adequate.
-- You might have crud in the middle to upper part of your extruder that is blocking the filament path.
My bet is on the voltage being too low.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 05, 2015 06:48AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 49 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 05, 2015 07:08AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |
Heaters going crazy...any ideas? Here's what's changes have been made to the firmware or any heat-related print settings since this started:
- The first issue was the the bed heater would not kick on when the bed was very cold...usually for the first print of the day or after a long break between prints. Since I'm using PLA on painter's tape and don't really need the heated bed right now, I would change the G-code to not wait for the target temperature, start the print, and the bed heater would always start in about 1 minute after the print started. If I didn't start the print and just left the printer there with the hot end at temperature without printing anything, the bed heater would never start. It's almost as if starting the print job was kick-starting the bed heater somehow, but I'm not sure how that could even happen.
- The latest issue is that the hot end heater seems to have lost it's "PID" ability to maintain the temperature in a narrow range. It had always ben able to keep the temperature to within about 1 degree of the target temp, but the other night I noticed it printing with the hot end about 10-15 degrees (C) below the target temp of 215, and just now I noticed it overshoot a change from 215 to cooled down all the way to about 185 before reversing direction and heading back towards 200. That's what makes me think it's the PID heating algorithms that are somehow causing this, but I've never gone near those settings so I'm not sure if that could be the issue or if it's something else, maybe the heater(s) themselves...
Thanks in advance!
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 05, 2015 07:24AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |
so my zprobe is always triggered... no matter if its wired to NO or NC, button pressed or not. any ideas?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 05, 2015 05:19PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 49 |
so my zprobe is always triggered... no matter if its wired to NO or NC, button pressed or not. any ideas?
Make sure your z-probe is connected as in the attached picture.
Also, use a multi-meter in continuity or ohm mode and read the switch at the connector (not attached to the board) and make sure it is working.
Let us know the results...
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 06, 2015 03:08AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 11 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 06, 2015 04:09AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 49 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 06, 2015 06:14AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |
Is anyone else having a problem where the g29 code only autocalibrates a little more than half of the build plate?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 06, 2015 11:08AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 49 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 07, 2015 10:45PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 10, 2015 10:04AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 4 |
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level March 10, 2015 10:48AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 63 |