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Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level

Posted by Kasahabo 
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 17, 2015 11:17PM
What drivers serve your steppers? A4988 or DRV8825? Did you check your jumpers under drivers? vRef voltage?

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 08:11AM
A4988 as far as I can tell. That's what it says it comes with. The jumpers came pre-installed along with the drivers. I didn't check vRef voltage, but it was working with the other firmware.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 08:23AM
Attach your "fast" configuration.h.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 09:43AM
fast configuration.h? What's that? I see fastio.h in Arduino tab...
Please excuse my obliviousness.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 09:47AM
you complained that your previous firmware is faster that my repetier configuration. attach configuration.h from this firmware.

fast configuration.h? What's that? I see fastio.h in Arduino tab...
Please excuse my obliviousness.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:04AM
Oh I see! Yeah ok.
I think this is the one I was using before. Marlin delta 2.
open | download - Configuration.h (25.1 KB)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:19AM
Of course... you have incorrect steps per unit in your Marlin. Repetier has correct 80 steps per mm, not 189 like yours. So, relax, your speed is normal in Repetier.

you have:
define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {189/2.25, 189/2.25, 189/2.25, 100}

must be:
define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80, 80, 80, 760*1.1} // default steps per unit for Kossel (GT2, 20 tooth)

Oh I see! Yeah ok.
I think this is the one I was using before. Marlin delta 2.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:24AM
PS: default extruder steps 760*1.1 must be calibrated. Google about extruder calibration.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:27AM
Actually, your Marlin steps almost OK, I didn't pay attention that 189 divided by 2.25 which is 84 steps/mm. Must be the problem somewhere else.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:31AM
OK, I've found the problem. In my Repetier configuration Z feed rate set to very slow 2. To have time to react and prevent crash. Set it to 100 for example:
#define MAX_FEEDRATE_Z 100

Load firmware and enter M502 and M500 again to reset eeprom.

Oh I see! Yeah ok.
I think this is the one I was using before. Marlin delta 2.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 10:34AM by paul_delta.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:41AM
Alright, should I change anything in either Marlin or Repetier FW? Or just leave it as is for now?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:45AM
I recommend to stay with Repetier. Looks like everything works now, just set #define MAX_FEEDRATE_Z 100 in repetier configuration.h.

Alright, should I change anything in either Marlin or Repetier FW? Or just leave it as is for now?

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:52AM
Well, the only thing I changed was to #define MAX_FEEDRATE_Z 100
It still moves slow. Should I change something else, like what you were saying earlier about Extruder steps or something, or Axis steps per unit?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:56AM
Did you reset the eeprom after loading firmware with new configuration? M502, M500?

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 10:58AM
Ahah! BUT it only moves slow when HOMING! So, if I change the homing feedrate, I can likely try G28 and it will move faster. I tried G29 and it actually behaved properly. It raised a bit too high, so I'll have to define the height that it rises after each bed detection and reduce the value, but I think I'm onto something.
P.S. Yes I entered M502 and M500 after uploading

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 10:59AM by FirmwareFool.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 11:18AM
No, I changed HOMING_FEEDRATE for all X, Y and Z to 60 (It was 2). Now G28 works well. (It bumps into the endstops and comes back down about 50 mm).
But when I tried G29, it went far too fast for comfort and didn't show signs of slowing down as it reached the print bed, so I hit Emergency Stop, right before it hit.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 11:23AM
OK, scratch that, G29 works (nice and slow) but it still comes up too high after detecting the print bed.

EDIT: Scratch THAT. I uploaded a change in HOMING_FEEDRATE for X Y and Z, making each 40. After uploading, the G29 behaved nicely. I FORGOT to enter m500 and m502. After doing that and trying again, G28 worked fine, but G29 caused the print head to ram into the print bed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 11:26AM by FirmwareFool.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 11:24AM
Not 50, 20mm. I did some safe margin to have a room to play with endstop offset and height. It's too high for normal use, you can change it to 2-5mm if you want:


Before G29 make sure to set your Z height and check M119 if it reacts to probe. Your probe should be mounted about 1mm above the bed when nozzle touches the bed at the same time.
Must read about z-probe in Repetier: [www.repetier.com]

No, I changed HOMING_FEEDRATE for all X, Y and Z to 60 (It was 2). Now G28 works well. (It bumps into the endstops and comes back down about 50 mm).
But when I tried G29, it went far too fast for comfort and didn't show signs of slowing down as it reached the print bed, so I hit Emergency Stop, right before it hit.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 11:50AM
Z_MAX_LENGTH was set to 299. I changed it to 263.5
I left X and Y Max length at 200, even though I think 100 would be safer...
Does that sound more appropriate?

I tried G29, but it was right on its way to crashing into the bed again, so I stopped it.
The Z-Probing instructions on the Repetier link you provided don't exactly match up with the Firmware in Arduino i noticed

I really don't understand how, in all of this, the firmware wouldn't update itself based on the information it receives from both the endstops and the Z-probe. I would think after one good G28 and G29, and the parameters set in Firmware and RepetierHost, the system would have enough information to make its own corrections/revisions.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 12:10PM by FirmwareFool.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 12:08PM
Watch the video in URL that I provided in previous message. You can automatically adjust endstops using repetier command.

Z_MAX_LENGTH was set to 299. I changed it to 263.5
I left X and Y Max length at 200, even though I think 100 would be safer...
Does that sound more appropriate?

I tried G29, but it was right on its way to crashing into the bed again, so I stopped it.
The Z-Probing instructions on the Repetier link you provided don't exactly match up with the Firmware in Arduino i noticed.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 12:24PM
I got as far as G132 S2, and that command caused my hot end to ram into the bed, so I stopped it. What should I do now?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 12:33PM
G132 measures steps for each tower from current position to enstop. It ALWAYS goes up after this command. If it goes down - you have something wrong with endstop conditions or motor settings.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 12:40PM
PS: I think you are too obsessed with autocalibration commands. They must be used after basic manual calibration, when you are sure that everything works as expected, all endstops change their conditions right way, the effector moves to the right direction after issuing basic commands like G1 X10 Y0, G1 X0 Y10, etc.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 12:41PM by paul_delta.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 12:58PM
Just a quick aside: Why is
#define ZHOME_X_POS 999999
#define ZHOME_Y_POS 999999

Does that matter?
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:03PM
Just a quick aside: Why is
#define ZHOME_X_POS 999999
#define ZHOME_Y_POS 999999

Does that matter?


My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:11PM
ok, so after g132 s1, it rose to home. I then entered G29 and it began the Z probing routine, however after the third probe, it kept going beyond the bed plate and ran the nozzle into the plate because the probe didn't detect a plate. Same with G32 command, just a different probing pattern. Are my X and Y boundaries wrong? They are both set to 150. Should they be 100?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 01:12PM by FirmwareFool.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:20PM
You don't want to set correct vRef voltage, so be prepared to missed steps...

ok, so after g132 s1, it rose to home. I then entered G29 and it began the Z probing routine, however after the third probe, it kept going beyond the bed plate and ran the nozzle into the plate because the probe didn't detect a plate. Same with G32 command, just a different probing pattern. Are my X and Y boundaries wrong? They are both set to 150. Should they be 100?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 01:26PM by paul_delta.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:27PM
PS: how did you mount your probe? mine is mounted to the back-left side of effector. If your probe mounted differently - you need to recalculate your probe points, there is a chance that the nozzle goes out of boundaries.

Update: my probe WAS mounted like this at the time the Repetier was configured.. Now I have another mount with zero offset: [www.thingiverse.com]

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 01:30PM by paul_delta.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:31PM
Be prepared to missed steps? I don't understand.
How would that affect the printer not knowing the area of my printbed? It performed both G29 and G32 at a good speed, but it just went off the edge and that's where things went haywire.
Re: Folger Tech Kossel Delta 2020 Full 3D Printer Kit w/Auto-Level
December 18, 2015 01:37PM
Be prepared to missed steps? I don't understand.
How would that affect the printer not knowing the area of my printbed? It performed both G29 and G32 at a good speed, but it just went off the edge and that's where things went haywire.

Usually, at extreme coordinates some carriages need more power and in this case, if there is no enough current (or speed is to high) steppers can start skipping steps and effector goes in wrong, unexpected direction.
Try to reduce X1/3 Y1/3 probe points in eeprom and see if it helps.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 01:37PM by paul_delta.

My [www.thingiverse.com] stuff, my configuration of Repetier 0.92.6: [forums.reprap.org] (use Arduino 1.6.5 to compile)
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