Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 27, 2015 07:51PM
I'm working on a Rostock printer and using Marlin delta firmware. I seem to have everything in order, but Arduino IDE is giving me this error message:

C:\Users[User's Name]\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Marlin-master/dogm_font_data_marlin.h:12:25: fatal error: utility/u8g.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.

As I've found out, this u8g is 8-bit font (?) that is used for LCD screens. I'm not using an LCD screen, so this doesn't seem to be very important. How can I resolve this?
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 04:03AM
in config.h make sure all of the LCD calls/ definitions are commented out ( ie have // in front of them)

should look like this

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2015 04:06AM by bigfilsing.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 04:14AM
in config.h make sure all of the LCD calls/ definitions are commented out ( ie have // in front of them)

should look like this

+1 for the tip but the name of the file is Configuration.h, I believe.thumbs up
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 05:45AM
I'm working on a Rostock printer and using Marlin delta firmware. I seem to have everything in order, but Arduino IDE is giving me this error message:

C:\Users[User's Name]\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Marlin-master/dogm_font_data_marlin.h:12:25: fatal error: utility/u8g.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Error compiling.

As I've found out, this u8g is 8-bit font (?) that is used for LCD screens. I'm not using an LCD screen, so this doesn't seem to be very important. How can I resolve this?

thinking more about your issue and the error message it would appear your have an undefined "include" statement
normally an "include" statement has a definition to it .
for example at the bottom of my config.h file it has this

Im not sure which version of Marlin you have or where you got it from
a standard clean Marlin doesnot call for LCD or SD card so you wouldn't have your current error
The predefined LCD definitions are there in config.h , just commented out ( ie not read during compiling)

So anyway you can try to comment out the LCD calls as mentioned before
or try installing the arduino library
Firmware that is set up for LCD use works fine even when there isnt an LCD attached.
Having said that, i would definitely try for a clean non LCD version if at all possible

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2015 05:48AM by bigfilsing.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 08:32AM
Firmware that is set up for LCD use works fine even when there isnt an LCD attached.

I disagree with this statement. We all know that Marlin already has serious performance issues running a graphical LCD and doing Delta math at the same time. The GLCD code is wasting resources regardless if there's one connected, and should be removed.

OP - The line that you need to comment out (put double slashes in front as illustrated below) is probably this one in Configuration.h :

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// []
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: []
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 10:56AM
the statement is correct

That Delta.s push Ramps ( and i believe other 8 bit controllers) to their limit and its therefore strongly advisable not to use an LCD is known . Logically the full graphic LCD stands the greatest chance of overloading the ramps as apposed to the 4 line 20 char "simple" versions.

Never the less the statement is correct in its own right.
If a machine that is running an LCD is powered up with no LCD attached it works exactly the same as it did with the LCD attached.

The OP's issue is not being able to compile !
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 04:33PM
Sorry I did not get to reply earlier. Not sure why, but the bit that was after the #include was left out. It was < utility/u8g.h >.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 04:39PM
Also, just checked. All of the LCD calls are commented out.

Side note: in case this does not work out, is there anything else you can recommend for Rostock firmware?
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 07:20PM
I would have Repetier on it yesterday if I were you. They even have a web-based configuration builder, where you answer questions and at the end it gives you an archive file to download that's ready for you to compile and upload onto your board.

Before you do that, humor me for a moment and open up this file in notepad or wordpad:

C:\Users[User's Name]\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Marlin-master\dogm_font_data_marlin.h

Search for the line:

#include utility/u8g.h

and put // in front of it to comment it out.

I'm just curious if that is the only compile error, or if other ones pop up after that.....
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 28, 2015 09:56PM
I tried that, commented out both instances. Still gave me the same error. I'll take a look at repetier, thank you. I'm a bit of a noob, sorry if I'm asking obvious questions.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
February 19, 2016 03:47PM
Hi I had the same error... After fiddling around (thankfully I'm a developer) I changed the
code like this in dogm_font_data_marlin.h

//#include utility/u8g.h
#include clib/u8g.h

I removed the smaller /greater symbols because they're being deleted in this post. In the code you should keep these symbols
there are 2 places that the .h file is referenced,
In my case I just replaced the stepper drivers with DRV8825 ones ( old A4988 were dying one after the other) ad I had to recompile the FW with the new steps/mm for all motors.

The problem is you're using the latest u8g library and the directory structure changed. (utils directory is gone)
Don't forget to include the library in the Marlin.ino (Sketch->include library->u8glib)
Usually you cannot just "weed out" the include files, this .h file is part of the marlin solution.

Regards, Stathis D.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2016 04:01PM by StathisD.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
March 18, 2016 03:18PM
StathisD - That was my issue - Thank you! The directory change worked perfect.
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
April 25, 2016 04:19PM
U8glib.h must be in the adruino / libraries folder
So I solve it

U8glib.h tiene que estar en la carpeta adruino/libraries
Asi lo solucione yo
Re: Marlin not compiling; need help.
May 07, 2016 02:40PM
Thanks StathisD!

This saved me from many hours of fiddling around with the code...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2016 02:41PM by yoshie1997.
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