Kossel Mini M106 issue
April 03, 2015 04:53AM

I have a strange problem with my Kossel Mini. When I use M106 to start the additional cooling fan the bed starts heating instead, and it can be shut down only by using M106 S0. Note that I can power on and off the heater using the standard M140 as well. Everything else works just fine.

My fan is connected to the D9 power terminal of the RAMPS board, while the heater is connected to the D8 and the hotend to the D10.
I tried working a little on them, and indeed it looks like M104 turns the D10, M106 and M140 the D8. Nothing is turning on the D9.

These are my configration.h and configuration_adv.h (stock Marlin firmware). I flashed them myself, so I know this is what is on the machine.

Any thought?

Thanks in advance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2015 05:08AM by Glorfindel.
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