Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 04:25PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 05:31PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 05:46PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 05:55PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 07:26PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 07:42PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 903 |
When you say that the diagonal rod length is incorrect surely this has to be the exact length of the rods and therefor cannot change? or can you alter this value to trick the software and force it to print flat?
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 07:46PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 07:58PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
When you say that the diagonal rod length is incorrect surely this has to be the exact length of the rods and therefor cannot change? or can you alter this value to trick the software and force it to print flat?
Ive measured my rods and the firmware value is correct.
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 03, 2015 08:57PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 734 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 04, 2015 07:23AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 04, 2015 09:05AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 903 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 04, 2015 10:56AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 04, 2015 07:54PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 734 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 05, 2015 05:22PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 05, 2015 05:53PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 05, 2015 06:48PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 734 |
How did you measure the rods?Quote
Saying that this high and low movement has changed when my rods were taken on and off, could this mean my rods are bad? I have measured them the other day and they are all the same length however.
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 06, 2015 12:02PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 06, 2015 12:12PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 06, 2015 04:01PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 734 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 06, 2015 06:51PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Ok, so one rod is about 0.35 mm different from the others. My guess is that it should cause at most about the same error in z-height (i.e. about 0.35 mm). The error will be different on different locations of the bed. Anyway z-height wrong by 0.35 mm will result in your first layer not sticking on the places where the head is too high. This wrong rod will also lead to rotations of the platform/hotend. These will cause XY error and it can be more than 0.35 mm depending how much longer your hotend goes below platform compared to the diagonal rod distance. Again depends also on the XY position.
Since the nature of the error changed when you modified the printer the first time and the diagonal rod error looks to me like not that big, my guess is you changed also something else or the original picture of the Z-height error did not correspond to your z-error.
In general based on the error description in your message from April 05, 2015 10:22PM:Good luck. Based on the description you provided, your position of tower X is not precise. It may be also tilted, which would be worse situation since I do not know a firmware which can fix tilted towers.
- get the wrong rod fixed (you can try continuing without it, and my guess is that it will not matter that much if you care only about z-height)
- set diagonal rod to the properly measured rod length (280.3)
- you need to adjust delta radius so that the height in the centre is the same as at the 2/3 of the perimeter
- you should finish correctly everywhere except the position against the tower Y (i.e. between Z and X); at that position you will be high; try to move position of tower X diagonally (i.e. nearer/further from the centre) to fix that
Edit: If you have a zprobe and can use dc42's firmware then do it. It should make your problem much easier to fix. If you cannot use dc42's firmware (e.g. because you do not have ARM controller) and are good at math and have a zprobe then you can try this too: []
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 06, 2015 07:09PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 734 |
In repetier, it is trying some small non-zero values for DELTA_RADIUS_CORRECTION_B.Quote
However Im not too sure what you mean with your last point?
This indicates you may have some unwanted play in the joints or between belt and pulleys on steppers. Make sure you have no unwanted play there. Make sure your belts are tight. If the machine is solid then there should not be difference between paper measurements and actual printing. If you used paper method while hotend and bed are cold the only difference can by in total z-height (since bed/hotend expand a bit when heated).Quote
Also when you say to adjust the DELTA_RADIUS to get the centre the same as the other points I have already done that. I can get all 4 points to be perfect with regards the paper calibration but its when I try and actually print it starts to lift on the Z axis.
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 07, 2015 10:14AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 189 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help April 07, 2015 11:01AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 54 |
Re: Delta bed high and low spots - Need help February 26, 2018 02:25PM |
Registered: 6 years ago Posts: 4 |