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Help with mini Kossel homing

Posted by Jonwpatte 
Help with mini Kossel homing
June 01, 2015 12:38PM
Hi, I am struggling with getting my mini kossel to home. I am using repeiter and Arduino ver 1.5.5 for my machine, I have a problem though, I have never coded anything like this, so I might not know what I have done or had done it.

When I try to home in Repeiter, the Z axis plows into the endstop and keeps trying to go up and not stop. I keep having to Emergency stop it.

I'm really not sure where to edit the config, I built the mini kossel to Johann's specs but used his recirculating balls carriage design instead of the rails.

here is my config, maybe someone can make sense of it, I cannot. I don't know what to change, my build mirrors that of Johann's so my measurements are probally off.

    This file is part of Repetier-Firmware.

    Repetier-Firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Repetier-Firmware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Repetier-Firmware.  If not, see [www.gnu.org].



/**************** READ FIRST ************************

   This configuration file was created with the configuration tool. For that
   reason, it does not contain the same informations as the original Configuration.h file.
   It misses the comments and unused parts. Open this file file in the config tool
   to see and change the data. You can also upload it to newer/older versions. The system
   will silently add new options, so compilation continues to work.

   This file is optimized for version 0.92
   generator: [www.repetier.com]

   If you are in doubt which named functions use which pins on your board, please check the
   pins.h for the used name->pin assignments and your board documentation to verify it is
   as you expect.


#define NUM_EXTRUDER 1
#define MOTHERBOARD 33
#include "pins.h"

// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################
// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################

#define X_MIN_PIN -1
#define Y_MIN_PIN -1
#define Z_MIN_PIN -1

//#define EXTERNALSERIAL  use Arduino serial library instead of build in. Requires more ram, has only 63 byte input buffer.
// Uncomment the following line if you are using arduino compatible firmware made for Arduino version earlier then 1.0
// If it is incompatible you will get compiler errors about write functions not beeing compatible!
//#define COMPAT_PRE1
#define BLUETOOTH_BAUD  115200

#define DRIVE_SYSTEM 3
#define XAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 100
#define YAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 100
#define ZAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 100
#define PDM_FOR_COOLER 1
#define EXT0_X_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Y_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_Z_OFFSET 0
#define EXT0_STEPS_PER_MM 370
#define EXT0_INVERSE 0
#define EXT0_ENABLE_ON 0
#define EXT0_MAX_FEEDRATE 50
#define EXT0_PID_I 2
#define EXT0_PID_D 40
#define EXT0_PID_MAX 255
#define EXT0_ADVANCE_K 0
#define EXT0_ADVANCE_L 0
#define EXT0_JAM_PIN -1
#define EXT0_JAM_PULLUP 0

#define JAM_STEPS 220
#define JAM_SLOWDOWN_TO 70
#define JAM_ERROR_STEPS 500
#define JAM_MIN_STEPS 10
#define JAM_ACTION 1

#define SKIP_M109_IF_WITHIN 2
#define SCALE_PID_TO_MAX 0

// ############# Heated bed configuration ########################

#define SKIP_M190_IF_WITHIN 3
#define HEATED_BED_PID_MAX 255
#define MAXTEMP 275

// ################ Endstop configuration #####################

#define max_software_endstop_r true

#define min_software_endstop_x true
#define min_software_endstop_y true
#define min_software_endstop_z true
#define max_software_endstop_x false
#define max_software_endstop_y false
#define max_software_endstop_z false

// ################# XYZ movements ###################

#define X_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
#define DISABLE_X 0
#define DISABLE_Y 0
#define DISABLE_Z 0
#define DISABLE_E 0
#define INVERT_X_DIR 0
#define INVERT_Y_DIR 0
#define INVERT_Z_DIR 0
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
#define Y_HOME_DIR -1
#define Z_HOME_DIR 1
#define X_MAX_LENGTH 200
#define Y_MAX_LENGTH 200
#define Z_MAX_LENGTH 120
#define X_MIN_POS 0
#define Y_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MIN_POS 0

// ##########################################################################################
// ##                           Movement settings                                          ##
// ##########################################################################################


#define DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND_PRINT 150 // Move accurate setting for print moves
#define DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND_MOVE 70 // Less accurate setting for other moves

// Delta settings
#define DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD 220 // mm
#define DELTA_ALPHA_A 210
#define DELTA_ALPHA_B 330
#define DELTA_ALPHA_C 90
#define DELTA_MAX_RADIUS 120
#define ROD_RADIUS 112.6
#define PRINTER_RADIUS 112.6

#define MAX_FEEDRATE_X 200
#define MAX_FEEDRATE_Y 200
#define MAX_FEEDRATE_Z 200
#define ZHOME_HEAT_ALL 1
#define ZHOME_X_POS 999999
#define ZHOME_Y_POS 999999
#define X_BACKLASH 0
#define Y_BACKLASH 0
#define Z_BACKLASH 0
#define DOUBLE_STEP_DELAY 2 // time in microseconds
#define MAX_JERK 20
#define MAX_ZJERK 0.3
#define MOVE_CACHE_LOW 10
#define LOW_TICKS_PER_MOVE 250000
#define X2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
#define Y2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
#define Z2_DIR_PIN    ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN
#define USE_ADVANCE 0

// ################# Misc. settings ##################

#define BAUDRATE 250000
#define KILL_METHOD 1
#define EEPROM_MODE 1

/* ======== Servos =======
Control the servos with
M340 P S   / ServoID = 0..3  pulseInUs = 500..2500
Servos are controlled by a pulse width normally between 500 and 2500 with 1500ms in center position. 0 turns servo off.
WARNING: Servos can draw a considerable amount of current. Make sure your system can handle this or you may risk your hardware!
#define SERVO0_PIN 11
#define SERVO1_PIN -1
#define SERVO2_PIN -1
#define SERVO3_PIN -1
#define SERVO0_NEUTRAL_POS  -1
#define SERVO1_NEUTRAL_POS  -1
#define SERVO2_NEUTRAL_POS  -1
#define SERVO3_NEUTRAL_POS  -1

        #define FEATURE_WATCHDOG 1

// #################### Z-Probing #####################

#define Z_PROBE_PIN -1
#define Z_PROBE_PULLUP 0
#define Z_PROBE_ON_HIGH 0
#define Z_PROBE_X_OFFSET 0
#define Z_PROBE_Y_OFFSET 0
#define Z_PROBE_SPEED 2
#define Z_PROBE_XY_SPEED 150
#define Z_PROBE_HEIGHT 40
#define Z_PROBE_X1 20
#define Z_PROBE_Y1 20
#define Z_PROBE_X2 160
#define Z_PROBE_Y2 20
#define Z_PROBE_X3 100
#define Z_PROBE_Y3 160

#ifndef SDSUPPORT  // Some boards have sd support on board. These define the values already in pins.h
#define SDSUPPORT 0
#define SD_EXTENDED_DIR 1 /** Show extended directory including file length. Don't use this with Pronterface! */
#define SD_RUN_ON_STOP ""
#define ARC_SUPPORT 1
#define UI_LANGUAGE 0
#define UI_PRINTER_NAME "Mini Kossel"
#define UI_PRINTER_COMPANY "Home made"
#define UI_PAGES_DURATION 4000
#define UI_ANIMATION 1
#define UI_KEY_MIN_REPEAT 50
#define CASE_LIGHTS_PIN -1
Beeper sound definitions for short beeps during key actions
and longer beeps for important actions.
Parameter is delay in microseconds and the secons is the number of repetitions.
Values must be in range 1..255



/* Below you will find the configuration string, that created this Configuration.h

========== Start configuration string ==========
    "editMode": 2,
    "processor": 0,
    "baudrate": 250000,
    "bluetoothSerial": -1,
    "bluetoothBaudrate": 115200,
    "xStepsPerMM": 100,
    "yStepsPerMM": 100,
    "zStepsPerMM": 100,
    "xInvert": 0,
    "xInvertEnable": 0,
    "eepromMode": 1,
    "yInvert": 0,
    "yInvertEnable": 0,
    "zInvert": 0,
    "zInvertEnable": 0,
    "extruder": [
            "id": 0,
            "heatManager": 3,
            "pidDriveMin": 40,
            "pidDriveMax": 230,
            "pidMax": 255,
            "sensorType": 1,
            "sensorPin": "TEMP_0_PIN",
            "heaterPin": "HEATER_0_PIN",
            "maxFeedrate": 50,
            "startFeedrate": 20,
            "invert": "0",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "acceleration": 5000,
            "watchPeriod": 1,
            "pidP": 7,
            "pidI": 2,
            "pidD": 40,
            "advanceK": 0,
            "advanceL": 0,
            "waitRetractTemp": 150,
            "waitRetractUnits": 0,
            "waitRetract": 0,
            "stepsPerMM": 370,
            "coolerPin": -1,
            "coolerSpeed": 255,
            "selectCommands": "",
            "deselectCommands": "",
            "xOffset": 0,
            "yOffset": 0,
            "zOffset": 0,
            "xOffsetSteps": 0,
            "yOffsetSteps": 0,
            "zOffsetSteps": 0,
            "stepper": {
                "name": "Extruder 0",
                "step": "ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN",
                "dir": "ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN",
                "enable": "E0_ENABLE_PIN"
            "advanceBacklashSteps": 0,
            "decoupleTestPeriod": 12,
            "jamPin": -1,
            "jamPullup": "0"
    "uiLanguage": 0,
    "uiController": 0,
    "xMinEndstop": 0,
    "yMinEndstop": 0,
    "zMinEndstop": 0,
    "xMaxEndstop": 2,
    "yMaxEndstop": 2,
    "zMaxEndstop": 2,
    "motherboard": 33,
    "driveSystem": 3,
    "xMaxSpeed": 200,
    "xHomingSpeed": 100,
    "xTravelAcceleration": 1000,
    "xPrintAcceleration": 1000,
    "yMaxSpeed": 200,
    "yHomingSpeed": 100,
    "yTravelAcceleration": 1000,
    "yPrintAcceleration": 1000,
    "zMaxSpeed": 200,
    "zHomingSpeed": 100,
    "zTravelAcceleration": 1000,
    "zPrintAcceleration": 1000,
    "xMotor": {
        "name": "X motor",
        "step": "ORIG_X_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_X_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN"
    "yMotor": {
        "name": "Y motor",
        "step": "ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN"
    "zMotor": {
        "name": "Z motor",
        "step": "ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN"
    "enableBacklash": "0",
    "backlashX": 0,
    "backlashY": 0,
    "backlashZ": 0,
    "stepperInactiveTime": 360,
    "maxInactiveTime": 0,
    "xMinPos": 0,
    "yMinPos": 0,
    "zMinPos": 0,
    "xLength": 200,
    "yLength": 200,
    "zLength": 120,
    "alwaysCheckEndstops": "1",
    "disableX": "0",
    "disableY": "0",
    "disableZ": "0",
    "disableE": "0",
    "xHomeDir": "-1",
    "yHomeDir": "-1",
    "zHomeDir": 1,
    "xEndstopBack": -1,
    "yEndstopBack": -1,
    "zEndstopBack": -1,
    "deltaSegmentsPerSecondPrint": 150,
    "deltaSegmentsPerSecondTravel": 70,
    "deltaDiagonalRod": 220,
    "deltaHorizontalRadius": 112.6,
    "deltaAlphaA": 210,
    "deltaAlphaB": 330,
    "deltaAlphaC": 90,
    "deltaDiagonalCorrA": 0,
    "deltaDiagonalCorrB": 0,
    "deltaDiagonalCorrC": 0,
    "deltaMaxRadius": 120,
    "deltaFloorSafetyMarginMM": 15,
    "deltaRadiusCorrA": 0,
    "deltaRadiusCorrB": 0,
    "deltaRadiusCorrC": 0,
    "deltaXOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaYOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaZOffsetSteps": 0,
    "deltaSegmentsPerLine": 24,
    "stepperHighDelay": 0,
    "directionDelay": 0,
    "stepDoublerFrequency": 12000,
    "allowQuadstepping": "1",
    "doubleStepDelay": 2,
    "maxJerk": 20,
    "maxZJerk": 0.3,
    "moveCacheSize": 16,
    "moveCacheLow": 10,
    "lowTicksPerMove": 250000,
    "enablePowerOnStartup": "1",
    "echoOnExecute": "1",
    "sendWaits": "1",
    "ackWithLineNumber": "1",
    "killMethod": 1,
    "useAdvance": "0",
    "useQuadraticAdvance": "0",
    "powerInverting": 0,
    "mirrorX": 0,
    "mirrorXMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "mirrorY": 0,
    "mirrorYMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "mirrorZ": 0,
    "mirrorZMotor": {
        "name": "Extruder 1",
        "step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
        "dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
        "enable": "E1_ENABLE_PIN"
    "dittoPrinting": "0",
    "featureServos": "0",
    "servo0Pin": 11,
    "servo1Pin": -1,
    "servo2Pin": -1,
    "servo3Pin": -1,
    "featureWatchdog": "1",
    "hasHeatedBed": "0",
    "enableZProbing": "0",
    "extrudeMaxLength": 160,
    "homeOrder": "HOME_ORDER_ZXY",
    "featureController": 2,
    "uiPrinterName": "Mini Kossel",
    "uiPrinterCompany": "Home made",
    "uiPagesDuration": 4000,
    "uiAnimation": "1",
    "uiDisablePageswitch": "1",
    "uiAutoReturnAfter": 30000,
    "featureKeys": "0",
    "uiEncoderSpeed": 1,
    "uiReverseEncoder": "0",
    "uiKeyBouncetime": 10,
    "uiKeyFirstRepeat": 500,
    "uiKeyReduceRepeat": 50,
    "uiKeyMinRepeat": 50,
    "featureBeeper": "0",
    "uiPresetBedTempPLA": 60,
    "uiPresetBedABS": 110,
    "uiPresetExtruderPLA": 190,
    "uiPresetExtruderABS": 240,
    "uiMinHeatedBed": 30,
    "uiMaxHeatedBed": 120,
    "uiMinEtxruderTemp": 170,
    "uiMaxExtruderTemp": 260,
    "uiExtruderFeedrate": 2,
    "uiExtruderRetractDistance": 3,
    "uiSpeeddependentPositioning": "0",
    "maxBedTemperature": 120,
    "bedSensorType": 1,
    "bedSensorPin": "TEMP_1_PIN",
    "bedHeaterPin": "HEATER_1_PIN",
    "bedHeatManager": 0,
    "bedUpdateInterval": 5000,
    "bedPidDriveMin": 80,
    "bedPidDriveMax": 255,
    "bedPidP": 196,
    "bedPidI": 33,
    "bedPidD": 290,
    "bedPidMax": 255,
    "bedDecoupleTestPeriod": 300,
    "caseLightPin": -1,
    "caseLightDefaultOn": "1",
    "bedSkipIfWithin": 3,
    "gen1T0": 25,
    "gen1R0": 100000,
    "gen1Beta": 4036,
    "gen1MinTemp": -20,
    "gen1MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen1R1": 0,
    "gen1R2": 4700,
    "gen2T0": 25,
    "gen2R0": 100000,
    "gen2Beta": 4036,
    "gen2MinTemp": -20,
    "gen2MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen2R1": 0,
    "gen2R2": 4700,
    "gen3T0": 25,
    "gen3R0": 100000,
    "gen3Beta": 4036,
    "gen3MinTemp": -20,
    "gen3MaxTemp": 300,
    "gen3R1": 0,
    "gen3R2": 4700,
    "userTable0": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "userTable1": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "userTable2": {
        "r1": 0,
        "r2": 4700,
        "temps": [

    "tempHysteresis": 0,
    "pidControlRange": 20,
    "skipM109Within": 2,
    "extruderFanCoolTemp": 50,
    "minTemp": 150,
    "maxTemp": 275,
    "minDefectTemp": -10,
    "maxDefectTemp": 290,
    "arcSupport": "1",
    "featureMemoryPositionWatchdog": "1",
    "forceChecksum": "0",
    "sdExtendedDir": "1",
    "featureFanControl": "1",
    "fanPin": "ORIG_FAN_PIN",
    "scalePidToMax": 0,
    "zProbePin": -1,
    "zProbeBedDistance": 10,
    "zProbePullup": "0",
    "zProbeOnHigh": "0",
    "zProbeXOffset": 0,
    "zProbeYOffset": 0,
    "zProbeWaitBeforeTest": "0",
    "zProbeSpeed": 2,
    "zProbeXYSpeed": 150,
    "zProbeHeight": 40,
    "zProbeStartScript": "",
    "zProbeFinishedScript": "",
    "featureAutolevel": "1",
    "zProbeX1": 20,
    "zProbeY1": 20,
    "zProbeX2": 160,
    "zProbeY2": 20,
    "zProbeX3": 100,
    "zProbeY3": 160,
    "zProbeSwitchingDistance": 1,
    "zProbeRepetitions": 1,
    "sdSupport": "0",
    "sdCardDetectPin": -1,
    "sdCardDetectInverted": "0",
    "uiStartScreenDelay": 1000,
    "xEndstopBackMove": 1,
    "yEndstopBackMove": 1,
    "zEndstopBackMove": 1,
    "xEndstopRetestFactor": 5,
    "yEndstopRetestFactor": 5,
    "zEndstopRetestFactor": 5,
    "xMinPin": -1,
    "yMinPin": -1,
    "zMinPin": -1,
    "xMaxPin": "ORIG_X_MAX_PIN",
    "yMaxPin": "ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN",
    "zMaxPin": "ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN",
    "deltaHomeOnPower": "0",
    "fanBoardPin": "ORIG_FAN_PIN",
    "heaterPWMSpeed": 0,
    "featureBabystepping": "1",
    "babystepMultiplicator": 1,
    "pdmForHeater": "1",
    "pdmForCooler": "1",
    "psOn": "ORIG_PS_ON_PIN",
    "mixingExtruder": "0",
    "decouplingTestMaxHoldVariance": 20,
    "decouplingTestMinTempRise": 1,
    "featureAxisComp": "0",
    "axisCompTanXY": 0,
    "axisCompTanXZ": 0,
    "axisCompTanYZ": 0,
    "retractOnPause": 2,
    "pauseStartCommands": "",
    "pauseEndCommands": "",
    "distortionCorrection": "0",
    "distortionCorrectionPoints": 5,
    "distortionCorrectionR": 100,
    "distortionPermanent": "1",
    "distortionUpdateFrequency": 15,
    "distortionStartDegrade": 0.5,
    "distortionEndDegrade": 1,
    "distortionExtrapolateCorners": "0",
    "sdRunOnStop": "",
    "sdStopHeaterMotorsOnStop": "1",
    "featureRetraction": "1",
    "autoretractEnabled": "0",
    "retractionLength": 3,
    "retractionLongLength": 13,
    "retractionSpeed": 40,
    "retractionZLift": 0,
    "retractionUndoExtraLength": 0,
    "retractionUndoExtraLongLength": 0,
    "retractionUndoSpeed": 20,
    "filamentChangeXPos": 0,
    "filamentChangeYPos": 0,
    "filamentChangeZAdd": 2,
    "filamentChangeRehome": 1,
    "filamentChangeShortRetract": 5,
    "filamentChangeLongRetract": 50,
    "fanKickstart": 200,
    "servo0StartPos": -1,
    "servo1StartPos": -1,
    "servo2StartPos": -1,
    "servo3StartPos": -1,
    "uiDynamicEncoderSpeed": "1",
    "uiServoControl": 0,
    "killIfSensorDefect": "0",
    "jamSteps": 220,
    "jamSlowdownSteps": 320,
    "jamSlowdownTo": 70,
    "jamErrorSteps": 500,
    "jamMinSteps": 10,
    "jamAction": 1,
    "primaryPort": 0,
    "numMotorDrivers": 0,
    "motorDrivers": [
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
            "t": "None",
            "s": "",
            "invertEnable": "0",
            "invertDirection": "0",
            "stepsPerMM": 100,
            "speed": 10,
            "dirPin": -1,
            "stepPin": -1,
            "enablePin": -1
    "manualConfig": "",
    "zHomeMinTemperature": 0,
    "zHomeXPos": 999999,
    "zHomeYPos": 999999,
    "zHomeHeatHeight": 20,
    "zHomeHeatAll": "1",
    "maxHalfstepInterval": 1999,
    "hasMAX6675": false,
    "hasMAX31855": false,
    "hasGeneric1": false,
    "hasGeneric2": false,
    "hasGeneric3": false,
    "hasUser0": false,
    "hasUser1": false,
    "hasUser2": false,
    "numExtruder": 1,
    "version": 92.3,
    "primaryPortName": ""
========== End configuration string ==========


Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 02, 2015 11:26PM
You know, I might not know what I'm doing, but at least I will ask a question. So with the 40 something views someone should know how to fix this.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 02, 2015 11:52PM
No expert, just being noisy and looking at your post, but it sounds like you have an issue with your end stops. After connecting to your printer in Repetier-Host, flip to the manual tab (you might need to disable easy mode in the software) and enter either m114 or m119 in the command line. One of the two will display the current status of your endstops.

When none of the endstops are triggered, they should all read the same. If not, you might need to reverse the settings in the Configuration.h file. I believe around...

// ################ Endstop configuration #####################

#define max_software_endstop_r true

#define min_software_endstop_x true
#define min_software_endstop_y true
#define min_software_endstop_z true
#define max_software_endstop_x false
#define max_software_endstop_y false
#define max_software_endstop_z false

It is also possible that you configured the min end stops rather than the maximum end stops.

Good luck.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 02, 2015 11:55PM
No expert, just being noisy and looking at your post, but it sounds like you have an issue with your end stops. After connecting to your printer in Repetier-Host, flip to the manual tab (you might need to disable easy mode in the software) and enter either m114 or m119 in the command line. One of the two will display the current status of your endstops.

When none of the endstops are triggered, they should all read the same. If not, you might need to reverse the settings in the Configuration.h file. I believe around...

// ################ Endstop configuration #####################

#define max_software_endstop_r true

#define min_software_endstop_x true
#define min_software_endstop_y true
#define min_software_endstop_z true
#define max_software_endstop_x false
#define max_software_endstop_y false
#define max_software_endstop_z false

It is also possible that you configured the min end stops rather than the maximum end stops.

Good luck.

Thanks I'll try that in the morning
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 07, 2015 11:07AM
10:33:59.052 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.000 E:0.0000
10:34:40.034 : endstops hit: x_max:L y_max:L z_max:L

This is in the log of the endstops when I triggered M114 and M119 Gcode

I trigger the home button in Repeiter and the x,y,z goes up and slowly accends to the top and then all 3 still try to keep going past the endstops, where they keep hitting the endstops hard till I have to emergency stop the Mini Kossel.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 08, 2015 03:17PM
So it looks like you have the max end stops configured correctly, with M119 returning the values as low (un-triggered).

With none of the endstops triggered, use the M119 command again to confirm that they are all still reading low (L). Then, holding one of the endstops down to trigger it, use the M119 command. If wired correctly, one of the endstops should read high (H), while the rest remain low. Ensure that the endstop readings correlate to the tower endstop that you are holding down. Repeat for each tower endstop.

If you are still getting all low values when holding down one of the endstops, you need to check your endstop wiring. I know I have made that mistake once or twice.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 08, 2015 10:38PM
I have manually pushed each of the carriages up to the endstops and then sent the M119 command, and they all read endstops hit: x_max:H y_max:H z_max:H

So I think the endstops are working correctly, because when I don't push the carriages to the endstops they get this: endstops hit: x_max:L y_max:L z_max:L

So somewhere in the Config it is not working correctly, when I try to home all three carriages keep trying to push past the endstops and keep hitting them hard. I still have to emergency stop in Repeiter to get them to stop before something breaks or stalls.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 08, 2015 11:21PM
You are not clear . . . have you checked the end stops *ONE AT A TIME*? If not, while they all activate, they may be sensing on the wrong tower . . .

- Tim
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 09, 2015 09:50AM
I manually moved the carriage to x and get on the log it show for X: endstops hit: x_max:h
for Y: y_max:H
for z: Z_max:H

I did find however that I did at one time, by the looks of it and might have didn't know I did it, when I was reconnecting I accidently moved the positions of the stepper motor connectors to different positions and had the Y at the X and the Z at the Y connector.

now when I home it doesn't go crashing to the top but actually goes to the top and hits the endstops like usual, but has a small humming sound as it stays at the top and a red light on the Ramps comes on.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 09, 2015 04:25PM
Glad you are making progress. Keep it up.

It is possible the humming sound is due to the steppers trying to maintain contact with the end stops (guess, not sure). I am not sure if it is ENDSTOP_X_BACK_MOVE or ENDSTOP_X_BACK_ON_HOME, but one of the two sets of 3 variables (X,Y,Z) should tell the carriages to back away from the end stops after homing.

I might try with the BACK_ON_HOME variables first, setting them all to 5, which should park the carriages 5mm from the end stops after homing. You might want to research the variables some more before trying that though. I am not sure what will happen.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 09, 2015 10:58PM
Glad you are making progress. Keep it up.

I might try with the BACK_ON_HOME variables first, setting them all to 5, which should park the carriages 5mm from the end stops after homing. You might want to research the variables some more before trying that though.

Thanks guys for helping a newbie, I just entered in the BACK_ON_HOME variable to 5 and after it homes it parks the carriages 5mm.
After I have gotten that out of the way. I have invoked a dry run of a sample print that repeiter has. But I do have a problem it goes down half way and moves like it is printing something, but it won't go down to the bed to print it like it should. If I can solve this, the next thing I want to solve is why isn't my filament stepper not moving.

It does this:
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 09, 2015 11:09PM
I'm not sure what the variable is in that firmware, but it looks like you set the height wrong in the initial setup, or perhaps are at a higher microstepping than you are configured for.

- Tim
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 10, 2015 09:54AM
I'm not sure what the variable is in that firmware, but it looks like you set the height wrong in the initial setup, or perhaps are at a higher microstepping than you are configured for.

- Tim

My pulleys are 16 tooth and have GT2 belts. I however reset my Z_max Length as 220mm and it is getting closer to the bed, so a few minor tweaks and I should have it near the bed. But since I'm not using marlin because it is too hard to understand, I'm using Repeiter. I set the Z_max length in EEPROM settings in Repeiter.

Anyone know how to get my filament motor to engage or work in repeiter?
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 10, 2015 12:23PM
Try homing your printer and then measuring a fixed point, say from the nozzle to the bed. Then instruct your printer to lower the carriage 100mm and re-measure the distance to ensure your printer actually moved 100mm. To me it sounds like your steps per mm values are off, so when the printer thinks it has moved 100mm, it actually only moved 40mm.

As for the extruder motor, is your software correctly showing the temperature of the hot end? Room temperature should be in the 20 degree range, wrapping your hands around a COLD hot end should be able to increase the temperature a few degrees, possibly as high as 30 degrees. If the thermistors are correct, see if you can heat up the hot end to 200 degrees. Assuming all the wiring is working correctly, if you still can't extrude when heated (firmware prevents cold extrusion), you might need to adjust the voltages on the stepper driver for your extruder motor.

There is a guide from Triffid, [reprap.org], and another from Minow, [minow.blogspot.com], that I have found very helpful in the past.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 14, 2015 12:18AM
Try homing your printer and then measuring a fixed point, say from the nozzle to the bed. Then instruct your printer to lower the carriage 100mm and re-measure the distance to ensure your printer actually moved 100mm. To me it sounds like your steps per mm values are off, so when the printer thinks it has moved 100mm, it actually only moved 40mm.

I have found that my Z length is off, I had to edit it via the Firmware EEPROM Configuration. I have edited it to have it being 225.000 mm but it still doesn't get down to the bed except 10mm off the print bed surface. I don't know how to instruct the printer to lower the carriage 100mm. I have checked the steps per mm in Arduino and the Repeiter Firmware EEPROM config, they are both reading 100mm.

It's getting really frustrating trying to get my print head to the print bed. The printer is the same as the specs on Johann's mini kossel build, the only thing different is that I used the recirculating balls and a Merlin Hot end, everything else is the same. The Merlin hot end is the same size as a J-head type Hot end. What I cannot understand if someone else had build a mini kossel, why don't they post at least the Proper Z length or something within the likes of a firmware to a mini kossel.

Just maybe I might be able to actually go from there and make sense of it, instead of having to experiment and keep moving backward on trying to get it to work. Awhile back I attended ITT Tech for CNC machines but dropped out after 1 1/2 semesters because I couldn't understand this type of movement of X,Y,Z. I was hoping that maybe if I could build my own 3d printer, just maybe some one had a firmware I could use to make it work, w/o going nuts on why my printer won't work.

I'm not asking for an easy fix, just a firmware of sorts for this type of printer.
Re: Help with mini Kossel homing
June 14, 2015 01:04AM
Once you home the printer, what do you measure from the tip of the hot end to the build plate? That will get you a starting point for Z height, and you adjust it from there so that when you send the head to Z=0, it's at the plate.

Moves are via the G1 command - G1 Z10 F3000 tell the printer to move Z to 10mm at 3000mm/min. T go lower, G1 Z-1.5 F400 will slowly take the head to 10mm below where the bed *should* be at 400mm/min. If you are above the bed, lower as I just showed until you touch the bed (search for the paper test). Take the negative value you needed, add it to the Z heifht (the number gets *bigger*), rehome and retest . . . This should put Z=0 on the plate. RE X, Y, and Z, simpiy put, Z is height, X is left and right, and Y is front to back . . .

- Tim
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