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need help finding a heatpad

Posted by shadowphile 
need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 03:03AM
I been looking but no luck so far.
I need a silicone or polyamide round 300mm heater in the 300W power range on 120VAC.
(I only need one).
Any references would be groovy.
Re: need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 03:13AM
I been looking but no luck so far.
I need a silicone or polyamide round 300mm heater in the 300W power range on 120VAC.
(I only need one).
Any references would be groovy.

Try 300 mm Silicon heater

I have 2 of there 220V ones and they work very well indeed takes around 4 minutes to get to 115 degrees (it's a little more power than you asked for but I don't think that should be a big problem) I have mine under a 6mm Aluminium Tool Plate

Re: need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 03:23AM
Thanks, those were the ONLY ones I found in my searches but they seem rather pricey. I'm thinking I could find something closer to $30 or less, especially if it is from Asia.
Re: need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 03:45AM
Thanks, those were the ONLY ones I found in my searches but they seem rather pricey. I'm thinking I could find something closer to $30 or less, especially if it is from Asia.

ok then try silicon pad these are 20$ plus P&P I have ordered from them asked for a 230V one order eventually got canceled and refunded due to them not shipping in the required time part eventually arrived about 8 weeks after order and was a 12V one to boot so not a good experience for me.

The first one I linked was delivered in approx 2 weeks and included all P&P Charges (Keenovo do have a us listing as well which may be differently priced.

Re: need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 07:33AM
The company that Doug just linked to will make a silicone heater to your size, voltage and power specifications, with or without 100K thermistor. I use a 300mm 230V 350W one in my delta.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2015 07:33AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: need help finding a heatpad
July 13, 2015 03:29PM
hmm..everything Chinese so far is either iffy service and/or very long delivery. I would like something within a week or two at most.
I am now pondering etching my own PCB.
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