Hi everybody,
I am building a Rostock Mini Pro, so far the frame is finished, motors and carriage attached, electronics wired and firmware flashed. During the initial setup I found an issue in the manual movement, after homing the printer with the three endstops on top, I am not able to move the z-axis down with Repetier host. If I move the carriage down manually, I could move up and down in a certain range, x/y-axis is working as well. What I don't understand is, when I use Pronterface and perform exactly the same sequence, I am able to move the z-axis down after homing.
I am not sure if I messed something up with configuration (attached), but I used it nearly as provided on Github. Can anyone give me a little support on that? I'd like to stay with Repetier host where I drive my Robo3D with. Thanks