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What board to replace my arduino/ramps?

Posted by nick0 
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
July 29, 2015 01:15PM
Exactly the same for me!
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
July 29, 2015 02:05PM
Looks like Chinese quality control at it's finest . . . good, fast, and cheap . . . pick any two!

- Tim
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
July 31, 2015 08:17PM
What stepper motors and stepper motor current settings are you using?

I'm using Wantai 42BYGHW811 for X/Y/Z towers (1.8/step, 2.5A rated current, 4800 g-cm holding torque (47 Ncm)). It looks like overkill for Kossel Mini, but this motors was in printer kit.

When I used RAMPS 1.4 + A4988 drivers (without heatsinks but with cooler), I just set up currents so that motors were a bit warm (about 35-40 degrees of C). So I don't know current, but I printed kilometers of plastic and everything was ok.

Now I need to set current for motors in Duet. With Duet motors are moving slightly louder and with strange low-frequency sound (not from drivers PWM, sound is audible only then motors rotating and sound reminiscent of the sound that appears when you quickly rotating disconnected motor with your fingers).

500 mA setting is enough to print with resonable low speeds and accelerations (about 50mm/s). But motors skips steps in fast movements. Movements are relatively quiet. There is clearly visible moire on printed parts surface.

Then I set ~700-800 mA, motors isn't skipping steps with resonable high speeds (70-100 mm/s), movements are louder. Moire is less visible. But A4982 drives are becomes hot.

Then I set 1000 mA (less then half of rated motor current), movements even more louder, motors cold, but A4982 drivers are very hot. It is impossible to keep finger on driver more than 1/2 second.

What is maximum usable current for Duet's drivers? From A4982 datasheet I know maximum current is 2A, but it looks like drivers will burn even with 1.5A.

Or I must just set this 700-800 mA and forget about this?

Are there any support topics for Duet users?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2015 08:20PM by roboprint.
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 01, 2015 03:40AM
Duets are commonly run at 800mA or 1A. Sometimes 1.2A is used on one of the drives, such as the direct drive extruder of the Fisher, or the Y axis on some Cartesian printers. I currently use 1A on my delta, although 800mA is sufficient except when I am using high movement speed and acceleration to test new firmware. So I suggest you use between 800mA and 1A.

The A4982 chips are cooled through the PCB, more effectively than stepstick-type drivers because of the much larger PCB area per chip. It's hard to tell when the driver chips are too hot, unless they go into thermal shutdown, because at maximum operating temperature they will be too hot to touch.

Except in the Fisher, Duets are typically mounted vertically, which means that the board cools by convection if the enclosure has suitable ventilation holes. If you are worried about the temperature, or you mount the board horizontally in an enclosed space such as under the bed of a delta, then I suggest you use a small fan to blow air over (not at) the board.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 02, 2015 07:20PM
Replikeo is no longer there?
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 03, 2015 02:42AM
Replikeo is no longer there?

The site just worked for me, [www.replikeo.com].

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 04, 2015 02:41PM
working for me now also..
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 16, 2015 04:43AM
can you give me the link of the update page about duetwebcontrol?

because i can just see the old one

Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 16, 2015 04:47AM

I think this link is right link.

Also WebUI is buggy, I'm going to post bugreports in gitbug (at least incorrect print end time in my timezone (shifted to +1 hour in all browsers))

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2015 04:51AM by roboprint.
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 16, 2015 11:55AM
thanks roboprint for your help. I fact i was speaking about the DC42 blog update he was talking about, but thanks! smiling smiley
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 16, 2015 03:02PM
thanks roboprint for your help. I fact i was speaking about the DC42 blog update he was talking about, but thanks! smiling smiley

Yes, DuetWebControl has replaced the web interface by Matt, which in turn replaced RepRapPro's original one. The SD Image folder in my repo now contains a copy of DuetWebControl. I have only found a few minor bugs in it, which ChrisHamm has already fixed. I am surprised to hear of the apparent time zone bug that Roboprint reports, because ChrisHamm lives in a country that uses Central European time, which is UTC+1, + (currently) 1 hour daylight savings time. If roboprint is certain of the bug, then I suggests he creates a new issue at [github.com].

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2015 03:06PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 16, 2015 04:24PM
Yes, DuetWebControl has replaced the web interface by Matt, which in turn replaced RepRapPro's original one. The SD Image folder in my repo now contains a copy of DuetWebControl. I have only found a few minor bugs in it, which ChrisHamm has already fixed. I am surprised to hear of the apparent time zone bug that Roboprint reports, because ChrisHamm lives in a country that uses Central European time, which is UTC+1, + (currently) 1 hour daylight savings time. If roboprint is certain of the bug, then I suggests he creates a new issue at [github.com].

My current timezone is UTC+02:00 without daylight saving (we have no summer/winter time).

My current time is 21:50 (for example, London time is 20:50 according to Google).

Time shown in DuetWebControl:
Firefox 40.0.2/Windows: 22:50 (+1 hour)
Chromium 46/Windows: 21:50 (correct)
Internet Explorer 11: 21:50 (correct)
Chrome 44/Android 4.4 tablet: 22:50 (+1 hour)

So I was wrong that this time is incorrect in all browsers as I use only Firefox on windows and Chrome on tablet.

Also then I close tab with Web UI and then open Web UI again, it is not possible to use interface (all buttons disabled like ui disconnected). I need to refresh page again to use web ui.

Also print progress bar does not work properly if I close Web UI and then open it again, but I have not figured out exactly what is wrong in this issue. I'll watch this more carefully to describe right.

Also going to Settings page of web ui pauses print for a short time, blob occurs.

Also then I cancel print from Web UI (pause => cancel) and then I select another file to print, it starts printing WITHOUT heating bed and hotend, but I think this issue is firmware-related rather then webui-related.

I will report this issues on github later, as soon as I can confirm everything with logs, screenshots and so on.
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 17, 2015 04:03PM
I found problem with starting to print without heating hotend - /sys/config.g contains T0 command to select first hotend, but after I click on pause and cancel buttons, hotend is deselected (standby or something like this). Since my g-code files with things to print do not contain T0 command, next print without printer reboot starts to print without heating first (and only) hotend flooding log with messages like this:

22:43:04 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:03 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:02 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:00 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:42:57 Error: Setting temperature: no tool selected.

To fix this I think I should add T0 at the beginning of every file. Maybe files like /sys/before_print_start.g and /sys/after_print_end.g will be helpful to setup printer before every print.
Re: What board to replace my arduino/ramps?
August 17, 2015 05:13PM
I found problem with starting to print without heating hotend - /sys/config.g contains T0 command to select first hotend, but after I click on pause and cancel buttons, hotend is deselected (standby or something like this). Since my g-code files with things to print do not contain T0 command, next print without printer reboot starts to print without heating first (and only) hotend flooding log with messages like this:

22:43:04 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:03 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:02 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:43:00 Error: Attempting to extrude with no tool selected.
22:42:57 Error: Setting temperature: no tool selected.

To fix this I think I should add T0 at the beginning of every file. Maybe files like /sys/before_print_start.g and /sys/after_print_end.g will be helpful to setup printer before every print.

The usual fix is to put a T0 command right at the beginning of your slicer start gcode. Another way is to create Prepare PLA and Prepare ABS macro files, which set the bed temperature, select the hot end and set the hot end temperature as appropriate, and also home the printer and run auto calibration if you want, or at least probe the bed to determine where Z=0 is.

That said, I am aware that this catches a lot of newcomers to RepRapFirmware out. The multi head support of RepRapFirmware is very powerful, but I'm trying to work out how to make operation of single-head machines easier, perhaps by automatically selecting T0 when processing an extruder heating gcode and only one tool is defnied.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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