Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:17AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Sintron kit has no object fan, DRTak, have you installed one? Do you print PLA?
Yeah I do not have an object fan. Will that really improve bridging?
For upgrades now, I can give a thumbs up to the duet0.6 + duex + paneldue setup. First my kids love the touch screen since everything in this world is touch screen. That makes the most impact to them about the printer. 2nd, the printer now prints louder its true. But it sounds like a Formula 1 race car shifting gears. Before with the RAMPS setup, it sounded like a car grinding gears while shiftting. Guess what Im saying is it Sounds more precise than with the RAMPS setup. Again, this is a thanks to DC42 and all the others in this forum for all of the tremendous help. I changed my power adapter to have a 3 prong connector and a ground but that didnt help my paneldue issue. It did shift the color hue to a differen location though. I assume it might truely be a gounding issue but that is just asthetics.
I would say object fan is critical for bridging, at least with PLA (and also improves things with PETG for me). That's of course just my experience and I'm no expert.
As for the sound, my wife says it sounds like a time machine or something. Unfortunately, my experience with time travel is very limited, so I can neither confirm nor deny it.
Duet is great, though I don't have any screen but browser for it (I consider dedicating some touchscreen device to the browser). Which is no big deal. But recently it started to lose network connection… Sometimes up to the point where it stops replying to pings, sometimes it never comes back with HTTP response, sometimes it doesn't like HTTP requests saying it has too many commands or something (don't remember exactly)… The most puzzling thing is that it has started for no apparent reason (no changes to config, no firmware update — and firmware update didn't fix it either), so I suspect hardware… Or the fact that I started using two browsers more often…
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:26AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
I had the same issue with the browser. I did what DC42 said and used the newest browser update. Its 1.07. That fixed it for me. Also, I suggest do not use Gcode macros. Basically I learned this is put into the browser cache and somehow crashes the system. You get to it by going into settings in the Duet browser --> List Items --> Default Gcode --> Add new gcode. I made a whole bunch of these short cuts. And the browser cant handle it. So to fix it. I went into Chrome settings and cleared the cache. After a bit you can access the duet browser again. But I did what DC42 said and made real macros by installing a macro folder in the SD card and making the appropriate macros. My macro folder is attached.
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware
Firmware Version: 1.09k-dc42 (2015-09-20)
Web Interface Version: HTML: 1.07, JS: 1.07
Web Interface by Christian Hammacher
Licensed under the terms of the GPL v2
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:28AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
I had the same issue with the browser. I did what DC42 said and used the newest browser update. Its 1.07. That fixed it for me. Also, I suggest do not use Gcode macros. Basically I learned this is put into the browser cache and somehow crashes the system. You get to it by going into settings in the Duet browser --> List Items --> Default Gcode --> Add new gcode. I made a whole bunch of these short cuts. And the browser cant handle it. So to fix it. I went into Chrome settings and cleared the cache. After a bit you can access the duet browser again. But I did what DC42 said and made real macros by installing a macro folder in the SD card and making the appropriate macros. My macro folder is attached.
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware
Firmware Version: 1.09k-dc42 (2015-09-20)
Web Interface Version: HTML: 1.07, JS: 1.07
Web Interface by Christian Hammacher
Licensed under the terms of the GPL v2
I'm not sure what do you mean by "the newest browser update", web interface? If so, sounds like a plan, I seem to have 1.06. Though I don't think it may solve the problem that is clearly on http protocol level. But it may be that 1.07 doesn't trigger the firmware bug. Thanks for the suggestion, I will update.
And thanks for the macro folder, I don't have macros in web ui, because I basically don't do regularly anything I can't type in the g-code console directly, so I'll look for ideas in your macros ;-)
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:32AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
The web interface update is in the github repository. If you do a search, I believe DC42 commented on it here somewhere. Its in the forums. Do a search for Duet + Duex
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:35AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:37AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:51AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Even though many of you said "don't buy" I still "did buy" the mentioned sintron kit today (for 235 GBP). As long as it prints and it's a Delta (love the way they work and look) I'm happy. Also I love to tinker about stuff and actually having something worth tinkering about makes it all the better, and the fact that's it's upgradeable is just awesome! Can't wait for it to arrive!). I'll post succes, questions and mistakes here, I'll share it all with you guys (and maybe girls
, though I think the stereotype prevents me from expecting many of them here).
Thanks for all the upcoming help and allowing me to become a part of this great reprap community
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 04:07PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Sintron kit has no object fan, DRTak, have you installed one? Do you print PLA?
Yeah I do not have an object fan. Will that really improve bridging?
For upgrades now, I can give a thumbs up to the duet0.6 + duex + paneldue setup. First my kids love the touch screen since everything in this world is touch screen. That makes the most impact to them about the printer. 2nd, the printer now prints louder its true. But it sounds like a Formula 1 race car shifting gears. Before with the RAMPS setup, it sounded like a car grinding gears while shiftting. Guess what Im saying is it Sounds more precise than with the RAMPS setup. Again, this is a thanks to DC42 and all the others in this forum for all of the tremendous help. I changed my power adapter to have a 3 prong connector and a ground but that didnt help my paneldue issue. It did shift the color hue to a differen location though. I assume it might truely be a gounding issue but that is just asthetics.
I would say object fan is critical for bridging, at least with PLA (and also improves things with PETG for me). That's of course just my experience and I'm no expert.
As for the sound, my wife says it sounds like a time machine or something. Unfortunately, my experience with time travel is very limited, so I can neither confirm nor deny it.
Duet is great, though I don't have any screen but browser for it (I consider dedicating some touchscreen device to the browser). Which is no big deal. But recently it started to lose network connection… Sometimes up to the point where it stops replying to pings, sometimes it never comes back with HTTP response, sometimes it doesn't like HTTP requests saying it has too many commands or something (don't remember exactly)… The most puzzling thing is that it has started for no apparent reason (no changes to config, no firmware update — and firmware update didn't fix it either), so I suspect hardware… Or the fact that I started using two browsers more often…
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 04:10PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Hello DRTak,
>>Thanks DC42. Ill get working on posting some picks of my prints.
From my understanding and experience, especially for bridging, the plastic needs to cool fast. If not, it might droop and sag. So, having an object fan will definitely help.
That being said, like DC42 has indicated - slicr3r settings, hot-end temperature, filament quality, all have a role to play.
I myself do not have an object fan arrangement (yet) designed to cool just the part as it is being printed. That's probably the next thing I need to look at. But, for now, I have a Pedestal fan, about 6-8 feet away, running in the lowest possible setting, directed at the printer and the electronics. The draft keeps the electronics cool, and appears to help with cooling the printed part as it is getting layered. BTW, I have seen even Johann use such a fan-setup, in several of his videos.
My suggestions:
- not sure what temp you are running your hot-end (and if you are using PLA). Try lowering the temperature by a few degrees, and experiment. I use PLA (toner-plastic filament), and by trial and error, I have figured that a temp of 205 deg, works best on this Kossel. On my other MakerBot Clone (PowerSpec Ultra 3D), I set it to 200 deg C. But, that printer already has a nice built-in object fan, attached to the direct-extruder assembly. Finally, I have not messed with ABS at all.
- verify your slic3r settings.
- get a object fan arrangement going (temporary external, or permanent solution attached somewhere near the hot-end - somehow.
- try a better quality filament, if you are not using a good one already.
Hope that helps.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 04:14PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
I am moving away from ABS. The smell gives me really bad headaches. So I need to perfect PLA and PETG. I really like PETG. With the RAMPS setup, I had no issues with heating the bed. But now with the Sintron aluminum bed black with glass on top it appears to be really hard to get the plate even up to 80 deg cel. This will make it hard to use PETG?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 04:16PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
I have been trying object fan. Externally. Its a 40mm fan. But it appears that only one side gets cool and the other is still hot. So the object is warped.. Without a fan, the object is straight.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 05:12PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 41 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 05:23PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 138 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 06:42PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
As was mentioned in one of the earlier pages on this thread, try using Slic3r 1.1.7 (if you are not already using it). Initially after my printer build, I happened to download the latest 1.2.9 version, and I had all sorts of issues, with my prints. That lead me on the wrong track, trying to find issues with the printer (like extrusion parameters and stuff). But the root-cause turned out to be the 1.2.9 version. Once I downloaded 1.1.7 and set it all up, I haven't had any problems since.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 07, 2016 10:19PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Hello DRTak,
Forgot to mention one more thing in my previous post. As was mentioned in one of the earlier pages on this thread, try using Slic3r 1.1.7 (if you are not already using it). Initially after my printer build, I happened to download the latest 1.2.9 version, and I had all sorts of issues, with my prints. That lead me on the wrong track, trying to find issues with the printer (like extrusion parameters and stuff). But the root-cause turned out to be the 1.2.9 version. Once I downloaded 1.1.7 and set it all up, I haven't had any problems since.
Also, to test bridging (and other calibration) you may want to try this print:
I tried it today, and it came out pretty good:
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 04:19AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 04:46AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
No, 1.1.7 does not have parameter to switch shape of bed.Quote
... However there is no ROUND bed paramenter?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 04:49AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
I do not have Duet board. But I see the line in config.g which does that:Quote
Just a quick question to those of you using the Duet board: Did you change the 'DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT' setting in 'Platform.h' according to the setting in the Marlin Firmware? Is there something else that needs to be adjusted in 'Platform.h' or 'Configuration.h'?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 05:10AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
I do not have Duet board. But I see the line in config.g which does that:Quote
Just a quick question to those of you using the Duet board: Did you change the 'DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT' setting in 'Platform.h' according to the setting in the Marlin Firmware? Is there something else that needs to be adjusted in 'Platform.h' or 'Configuration.h'?
M92 X80 Y80 Z80 ; Set axis steps/mm
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 06:38AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Just a quick question to those of you using the Duet board: Did you change the 'DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT' setting in 'Platform.h' according to the setting in the Marlin Firmware? Is there something else that needs to be adjusted in 'Platform.h' or 'Configuration.h'?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 09:46AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 41 |
Hmm... Tried both 1.1.7 and 1.2.9. And could not find any significant differences in printing results. Both of them produce good g-code.
Currently, my cooling setup looks as the following:
[attachment 69187 IMG-20151228-WA0020.jpg] [attachment 69188 IMG-20151230-WA0006.jpg]
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 10:18AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
Currently, I have only one fan running (the one attached the heat-sink), and it is connected to the fan pins on the RAMPS board (behind the Poly-fuses). If I need to connect the second fan, where does it go on the RAMPS board? I do not see a second fan port. I'm think, since the heat-sink fan runs all the time, I need to connect it to the spare +V and GND on the Power-supply directly, and connect the object-fan to the RAMPS fan terminals. That way, I can control it via firmware. Basically, I do not want the object-fan to run for the first few layers, and I want it to kick in afterwards (I know I can do that in Slic3r).
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 10:24AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
Actually, you have at least two options here.Quote
If I need to connect the second fan, where does it go on the RAMPS board? I do not see a second fan port. I'm think, since the heat-sink fan runs all the time, I need to connect it to the spare +V and GND on the Power-supply directly, and connect the object-fan to the RAMPS fan terminals. That way, I can control it via firmware. Basically, I do not want the object-fan to run for the first few layers, and I want it to kick in afterwards (I know I can do that in Slic3r).
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 10:29AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 10:29AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Actually, you have at least two options here.Quote
If I need to connect the second fan, where does it go on the RAMPS board? I do not see a second fan port. I'm think, since the heat-sink fan runs all the time, I need to connect it to the spare +V and GND on the Power-supply directly, and connect the object-fan to the RAMPS fan terminals. That way, I can control it via firmware. Basically, I do not want the object-fan to run for the first few layers, and I want it to kick in afterwards (I know I can do that in Slic3r).
The first one is described by you above - to connect heat-sink fan directly to power source, and object fan to RAMPS D9 terminals. I use this way. Even when I had no object fan, for my heat-sink fan I always used direct connection to power supply.
The second one - to purchase fan extender. In this case you will get additional 2 channels to connect extra fans, which can be controlled from firmware/g-code.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 01:36PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
I do not have Duet board. But I see the line in config.g which does that:Quote
Just a quick question to those of you using the Duet board: Did you change the 'DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT' setting in 'Platform.h' according to the setting in the Marlin Firmware? Is there something else that needs to be adjusted in 'Platform.h' or 'Configuration.h'?
M92 X80 Y80 Z80 ; Set axis steps/mm
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 06:22PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
I do not have Duet board. But I see the line in config.g which does that:Quote
Just a quick question to those of you using the Duet board: Did you change the 'DRIVE_STEPS_PER_UNIT' setting in 'Platform.h' according to the setting in the Marlin Firmware? Is there something else that needs to be adjusted in 'Platform.h' or 'Configuration.h'?
M92 X80 Y80 Z80 ; Set axis steps/mm
You might want to change this for the Sintron machine. Line 47 of config.g:
M92 E100:100
It is in Config.g file. I think the original is E300:300 or E800:800 which is wrong. It should be 100:100. How I have it above is right.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 06:57PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 08:17PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit January 08, 2016 08:18PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 41 |