Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 08:58AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 09:15AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Thats what i tried in the first place. And this also worked for me the first time I had to unmount the noozle. Anyway, fortunately the parts and even the whole printhead is rather cheap. Maybe I should order also another one as spare, just in case.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 06:37PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Haha "home" button in the GUI. I will double check but it appears everything is setup correctly according to the diagrams.
I figured that, but couldn't resist ;-)
There are many diagrams around and although I'd expect them to be the same and show all motors the same way, you can just compare your X-motor wiring to Y and Z which move in the correct directions. You can often reverse the connector for X and Y motors, but you can't reverse sintron-supplied connectors for Z axis. And the only way you can plug Z in is actually reverse, so I had to reverse direction in firmware. But then again all my motors were moving in the same direction, so it does sound like you did flip one of those…
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 06:47PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Haha "home" button in the GUI. I will double check but it appears everything is setup correctly according to the diagrams.
I figured that, but couldn't resist ;-)
There are many diagrams around and although I'd expect them to be the same and show all motors the same way, you can just compare your X-motor wiring to Y and Z which move in the correct directions. You can often reverse the connector for X and Y motors, but you can't reverse sintron-supplied connectors for Z axis. And the only way you can plug Z in is actually reverse, so I had to reverse direction in firmware. But then again all my motors were moving in the same direction, so it does sound like you did flip one of those…
Here is video I took of the issue. I tried inverting with "true" under #define INVERT_X_DIR but that doesn't work. All my wiring appears correct. It looks like it starts going up but then begins to go down as the others hit the end stops.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 07:19PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 07:21PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 67 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 07:52PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 10, 2015 09:13PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 03:18AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
hit and stay, unless you manually set endstop offsets with M666.Quote
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Yes everything is working properly now. Glad it was an easy fix.
Now, when homing, are the carriages suppose to hit the endstops and stay or are they suppose to go down some?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 04:42AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
But after minute or so, drives go to idle mode and endstops have enough force tp push carriages a bit down. So, usually, when you hit print, printer goes home and starts heating the head. But minute is not enough to reach desired temperature, so it releases motors, they go down a bit and upon starting moving head the height is not accurate anymore. So, I added "M84 S180" to custom start g-code in slicer program to hold motors for 3 minutes instead of one.Quote
hit and stay, unless you manually set endstop offsets with M666.Quote
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Yes everything is working properly now. Glad it was an easy fix.
Now, when homing, are the carriages suppose to hit the endstops and stay or are they suppose to go down some?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 04:59AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Yes everything is working properly now. Glad it was an easy fix.
Now, when homing, are the carriages suppose to hit the endstops and stay or are they suppose to go down some?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 02:14PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Yes everything is working properly now. Glad it was an easy fix.
Now, when homing, are the carriages suppose to hit the endstops and stay or are they suppose to go down some?
Congrats ;-) But you're out of spare stepper drivers now ;-) So am I… My extruder stepper has died suddenly and I have no idea why.
I think it depends on firmware, I'm not sure what are Marlin's defaults. At the very least I Think it hits, goes back and then again up? I think you will have opportunity to worry about it later, just try getting things work now
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 02:52PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
Thats normal. Marlin is stock setup for a geared extruder. This kit comes with a direct drive extruder, so you should set #define INVERT_E0_DIR in configuration.h to true. that way the extruder really extrudes when you tell it to instead of retracting.Quote
Looks like I had a bad stepper drive. Good thing the kit came with an extra!
Meaning you got it working?
Yes everything is working properly now. Glad it was an easy fix.
Now, when homing, are the carriages suppose to hit the endstops and stay or are they suppose to go down some?
Congrats ;-) But you're out of spare stepper drivers now ;-) So am I… My extruder stepper has died suddenly and I have no idea why.
I think it depends on firmware, I'm not sure what are Marlin's defaults. At the very least I Think it hits, goes back and then again up? I think you will have opportunity to worry about it later, just try getting things work now
Did anyone have to invert their extruder direction? When I click Extrude in Pronterface the filament moves toward the extruder and when I click reverse the filament moves towards the hotend. Hoping my stepper isnt fried for this as well.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 11, 2015 10:16PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 01:14AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 104 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 04:56AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 8 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 05:32AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 8 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 05:41AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
1. I have a question regarding Printing time.
Printed a mobile phone stand took about 2 hours.
now I am using Cura because Pronterface does not want to work (AGAIN)
now it takes about 5 hours + to print the same thing.
I have played with a few settings but nothing much makes a big difference
I have gone to Default in Cura still slow. 0.1 Layer Height, 2mm shell 100mm/s print speed. 20% fill Density. still slower than before
2. I am a little concerned with the movement of the 3 wheel carrage truck
I thought a 4 wheel Carrage Truck and Delvin rollers would do the trick however Delvin rollers are M3 and Carrage Trucks are M4
I am not good in Cad so maybe I can sleeve them. Any one else Been Here ?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 06:17AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 445 |
1. I have a question regarding Printing time.
Printed a mobile phone stand took about 2 hours.
now I am using Cura because Pronterface does not want to work (AGAIN)
now it takes about 5 hours + to print the same thing.
I have played with a few settings but nothing much makes a big difference
I have gone to Default in Cura still slow. 0.1 Layer Height, 2mm shell 100mm/s print speed. 20% fill Density. still slower than before
2. I am a little concerned with the movement of the 3 wheel carrage truck
I thought a 4 wheel Carrage Truck and Delvin rollers would do the trick however Delvin rollers are M3 and Carrage Trucks are M4
I am not good in Cad so maybe I can sleeve them. Any one else Been Here ?
Without knowing what model we're talking about the time isn't of much help, but so far I can see that 0.1 layer is pretty thin and of course yields longer printing times, then there's a travel speed and acceleration to take into account. Check firmware speed and acceleration limits and perhaps raise it. And, well, arduino/ramps has its own limitations as to how much it can do within a given time. Not sure what limits you're bumping in.
Since you mention the difference between "pronterface" and cura, perhaps you may want to somehow look up the settings used for pronterface's slicer whatever slicer it uses, I think it's Slic3r?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 09:47AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 10:14AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Hi everyone,
first printer and first post in this forum. I finished building the Sintron Kossel kit yesterday, so today I will start with calibration. However before I start, I have some questions regarding the 'configuration.h' that comes with the Marlin firmware provided by Sintron. Please excuse if some of my questions have already been answered elsewhere...
My main question is: what parameters do I have to adjust and which parameters can be taken just as is?
Printer geometry
From reading this thread and several other sources regarding calibration of the Kossel Mini it seems as if DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET and DELTA_CARRIAGE_OFFSET should be (as long as now modifications have been done to e.g. the carriages) the same for each and every Sintron Kossel printer out there, right? Still, do I have to touch these values in the Sintron 'configuration.h'? From what I understand I only have to adjust the DELTA_SMOOTH-ROD-OFFSET and the DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD values according to my setup or am I wrong here?
I used a jig milled on my CNC router to assemble the rods using Traxxas joints:
Hence, DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD length should almost perfectly be ~220mm for each rod. However, what I am currently scratching my head on is how to measure the DELTA_SMOOTH-ROD-OFFSET. From my understanding DELTA_SMOOTH-ROD-OFFSET should be affected by the endstop calibration. Hence, until I have not corrected for the endstop offsets adjusting the DELTA_SMOOTH-ROD-OFFSET parameter would not make any sense, right?
Obviously the DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT are wrong in the Sintron 'configuration.h'. Do you think it makes sense to use a gauge to get the correct steps/mm; i.e. adjusting DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT until a 1mm step on the z axis send via pronterface corresponds to 1mm measured by the gauge for each tower? As an alternative, would it be ok to just set each tower to 80 steps/mm?
Thank you for your help!!
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 10:40AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
The horizontal dimension is based on the parts involved in the first place and is set to theoretical value and if you still have some concave/convex problems you adjust it during the calibration. I think that's one of the things that they got right in firmware.
I think 80mm is a pretty safe bet. You can put a mark on your column, then move carriage, calculate the distance and adjust your firmware values then.
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 11:44AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 255 |
Just another question came up. Currently I have put my RAMPS board below the heatbed. Although I have insulated the space below the heatbed using cardboard and aluminium foil, I currently do not have any fan or something installed to cool the stepper drivers. Do you think I can give it a try or do you think I should definitely cool the electronics before starting with calibration and test printing?
Regarding the jig I milled, if there is any interest I can upload the STL to thingiverse. Although I guess there are already some other jigs floating around there. Further I made an endstop holder, which fits quite nicely using the nuts provided in the kit. It is quite easy to mill/print (when milling/printing the spacers underneath separately) :
I can upload this also...
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 11:54AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 12:55PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 15 |
Yeah, I was mostly referring to the fact that you have CNC mill, which kinda suggests you're into that kind of stuff ;-)
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 01:00PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 23 |
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 01:30PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
I use a similar heatsink as you use for the stepper drivers. You can order like 50 of those for under 10 bucks if you search for heatsink MOSFET on ebayQuote
Okay, I think I might have an old fan lying around. I'll try to cramp it in there. Tha_Reaper, are you using a specific heatsink for the MOSFET (which can be ordered somewhere)?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 01:55PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
I know this may be a very broad question, but any tips on printing for the first time since no .ini was supplied? Im attempting without setting up my auto probe retract which im not in a rush to setup. Can I auto level, go to 0,0,0 and begin printing with my .stl file after tweaking slic3r parameters?
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 02:51PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 319 |
Thanks for your reply, hacker!
The horizontal dimension is based on the parts involved in the first place and is set to theoretical value and if you still have some concave/convex problems you adjust it during the calibration. I think that's one of the things that they got right in firmware.
Regarding calibration of the printer geometry I guess I'll just adjust the rod length and keep all parameters as provided by Sintron for a first try.
I think 80mm is a pretty safe bet. You can put a mark on your column, then move carriage, calculate the distance and adjust your firmware values then.
Marking the carriage positions on each tower is a nice idea for adjusting the steps/mm. I'll give it a try instead of using a gauge (which might be more complicated to set up anyway).
Just another question came up. Currently I have put my RAMPS board below the heatbed. Although I have insulated the space below the heatbed using cardboard and aluminium foil, I currently do not have any fan or something installed to cool the stepper drivers. Do you think I can give it a try or do you think I should definitely cool the electronics before starting with calibration and test printing?
Regarding the jig I milled, if there is any interest I can upload the STL to thingiverse. Although I guess there are already some other jigs floating around there. Further I made an endstop holder, which fits quite nicely using the nuts provided in the kit. It is quite easy to mill/print (when milling/printing the spacers underneath separately) :
I can upload this also...
Re: Ebay SINTRON Kossel Mini full kit November 12, 2015 03:18PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 89 |
Thats where this thing comes in handy: []Quote
DO NOT put the RAMPS below the heatbed. I did that and I fried my MOSFET. Why? Because you cannot see the fan moving and blowing air. Yes I installed a fan below the heatbed blowing onto my RAMPS. It looks amazing. All electronics hidden. But you cannot see or hear if the fan is on. If for some reason the fan is off. Your RAMPS will smoke and you will not know until it is too late. Also, I insulated the heatbed bottom. But you are still getting cool air below counteracting the heat above. So it takes longer for the heatbed to get hot.